Crystal Geode Chest Drops

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by OkieDokie, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Or you buy a plunder bonus. Or, you buy aqua/inferno, which people do need.

    It's only a loss if you spend it on the wrong things.
  2. 168 forge stones from only geode I've opened
  3. I got 32 stones
  4. • 61
    • 284 :)
    • 31

    Will edit this post for any future geodes.

    Also.. Just saying.. if Inferno and Aqua are 1:1 for each stone, you can get 30 per geode at worst.

    Aqua at the mage cost 5 xtals each, xtals cost 10 nobs each. 1 Aqua = 50 nobs. 1 geode = 1,500 nobs worth of Aqua. Ofc if your lucky enough, and you get 600, that can be translated even more hilariously:

    15 nobs for 600 stones = possibility of 600 aqua = 30k nobility :)

    Here is a list of other possibilities just for the heck of it, should you get the 600 drop:

    3 seals and 90 stones left over
    200 circle pieces
    30 xtals
    17 horns, and 5 stones left over
    Or the ability to have a 15% plunder bonus for 8 hours a day for 7 days and 4 hours for one more day.
  5. 1. 35
    2. 51
    3. 32
    4. 75
    5. 31
    6. 45
    7. 55
    8. 104
    9. 75
    10. 34
  6. 45
  7. Opened 4. ... 1. 34. 2. 356. 3. 33. 4. 56.

    That's a total of 60 nobs for 479 stones.
  8. 31

    Will edit if I open more
  9. 32-35-36-49-51-55 not bad for $9 and I needed the  since it just doesn't drop for me in ebs but I get  about once a day 
  10. Bought 2, made 35 and 55. That is 90 Stones for 30 nobs.

    170 stones needed for a seal. It's not worth it if you're only buying them. BUT i'm getting 44 stones from a 3 day event. There are 3 more 3 day events? 44x 3 = 132 free stones.

    132 stones. 170 for a seal. 1 goede could fill the gap for 15 nobs. This is when it becomes worth it.
  11. 31, 34, 36, 37 :(

    At least it's going up... lol
  12. I've gotten a a couple over 100. I opened a total of 4geodes and got a total of 521 items from em
  13. 32 - 37 - 30

    Total waste of nobs
  14. Crystal 1 = 199
    Crystal 2 = 33
    Crystal 3 = 44
    Crystal 4 = 66
  15. Crystal1:39