While I like the idea of encouraging PvP more this event style didn't work last time they tried it cos of the unbalanced setup. Many players spent the time being pinned by players 3-5 times their size & there aren't enough pvp'rs around to deter against picking on the little guys so they brought in the opt-in style...too many players were basically bored stiff, in pin & complaining for most of of it when it wasn't opt-in.
Osw is the only reason I play this game. Idc about events, idc about EE. Devs you've removed the purpose of this game for me. I only participate out of loyalty and friendship. THE ONLY REASON TO PLAY THIS GAME IS FOR OSW. To hammer kingdoms and or clans for crappy behavior is awesome. That is a life lesson better learned in a game. You (the devs) have removed this from the game. Shame on you devs.
Agreed!! Screw smart mouthy morons. They should get stripped and farmed. Their clans should be too if they back that member. There's a natural consequence for those who abuse this human understanding. In RL and in game!! In addition those who screw with the common more's of kaw should be stripped. It's a societal decision to strip and risk osw for a common understanding.
Individual responsibly and freedom. That's what this game was. Irregardless of the reason it was created. It's beyond the creative purpose by which it was born.
Like the current pvp events hitting an osf can be the way around "osw" event Would say a pin or a strip of trillions should considered but how they would measure it or whether the dev would spend money to develop it is the question....to which the answer is NO because people have been asking for over 5 years for it and the closest they got was a thanksgiving event where you could lose event items and not make max payout from osf
No support. Osw is dead, and not coming back. One of the basic ideas of osw was to crush the opponent into submission. The problem now is people make gold so easily that there is no way to ever keep someone down. A big account can make many many trillions in gold in a few min doing HTE or zta. Doesn't do anything anymore except be an annoyance.
Okay I support this as I've been in osw befor and stopped because of lack of growing so this is a great idea and maybe do the same thing with clan wars I see it in there but no one does them anymore either so I'm a 100% support for this
I dont like this idea too much personally.. Atleast something in this game should require one to sacrifice. It takes but a few unloads here and there on an EB/rotation to get 2,000 items which nets your 2k SB. If you want more than that, I don't see this idea in a positive light. Unless OSW is to be somehow systemized to track actions for items (be it per action or overall), this is gonna do very little.. Id rather have more EE wars/variants or perhaps an entirely fresh type of systemized war that OSW clans can temporarily opt into (Id say like Swars but Ive literally never done one) but that also nets event items. Any of that before Id support this.
Full Support for integrating pvp into these events. Support for all actions, attack, steal, scout and assassinate dropping event items. Simply because all actions are part of pvp. And this shouldn't need an opt in spell. It's open for everyone anytime an event is running. And devs listen up! People will still use crystals while hitting other people in osw. Time and time again I've seen people max xtal on a strip target while unloading troops on an eb. So devs, we'll still use crystals and buy more when we run out.
100% support event tho I didn't read all only first part about player vs player hits paying out in event rewards would help people who prefer to farm over ebs have a place in this game once again.