New Lands; Vote Yes or No

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_New_Age, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Vote Yes/No

    Note: TL;DR players scroll down

    On ATA Charlie's most recent announcement (Community Wishlist Response) addressing community questions, the devs announced that there will be new lands and builds.

    I hate the idea and the expanding lands and builds and the effect that they had on the game led me to quit the first time. Honestly, I only play because I have a lot of friends herme despite my dislike for the game.

    Kaw holds 2 and a half starts in the apple market with one star votes owning the largest percentage so I am not alone on my distaste for the game. But the people I've made friends with ultimately keeps me coming back.

    So to preserve what little fun there is left in the game I am making this thread. Here I will gather your opinions on one of the worse features that was announced by Grant: New Building and Lands.

    Plus, five lands is enough. Lowlands has each corner marked with lands, it can end with that, as a image thing, anymore tabs would look trashy in my opinion.

    Instead of trashing it even more, I feel you all have already created an opinion so I will leave the rest up for voting.

    TL;DR Skip to here

    Vote No:
    No votes mean you do not want the developers to make new lands and builds.

    Vote Yes:
    Yes voters want new lands and builds.

    I will track both No and Yes Votes so to keep this as open as possible for both sides.

    Debates are welcome but keep the banter to walls and news feeds.

    Edit: I will time stamp below each time I update the list.
    List updated up to the top of page 20.

    Interesting occurrence: between Page 10's tally and Page 20's tally, the percentages of Yes, No, and Situational votes did not change enough for any of them to lose or gain a percent. It will be interesting to see what happens when I update the list again.

    Page 27

    Though wrote as a mock, it speaks more volumes. 15% seems like enough to justify new lands from the developers.
    Back tracking from the joke. Still leaves me uneasy but I will continue to update this thread until the new update post is made. I have very little faith in the apes but who knows.


    From my Gold Sink thread. When asked for his opinion on why land help, not destroy the game he would only refuse to answer even after saying it could allow is to find a better solution with his point of view.

    The devs seem to be putting all of their chips in this new update as well as their build token idea. Though I feel like those will not solve the issue I as well as many other have with this game.

    My response to them:

    And that is the response. Not wanting to give any answer or proper reply. Our fight marches on.

    Edit: As of page 35 the percentage has changed. No votes are up 2% and Yes and Sit votes are down 1 % a piece with Sit votes losing two vote to No because of the time frame of the release is sooner than the developers are planing for a release and because the new lands won't be towers only.
  2. [title2]No Votes[/title2]
    NO Votes means these players do not want new lands or build.

    Currently holds 84% of the votes.

    1. -Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity-
    2. TAN-_-SiMBA-_-GRA
    3. -_-GREEN-BAY-DASH-_-
    4. BengaI
    5. l_Shad_I
    6. HereofDragonborn
    7. _Sinan_
    8. BenLSA
    9. Rouvicath
    10. Thin_Diesel_MaCHiNE
    11. mahox
    13. SlimShady
    15. AnonymouslyUnknown
    17. SecretKiller
    18. IA-CrazyRuggy
    19. _F_F_A_
    20. GeneralWolf
    21. CHaOs__-Young_Khalifa-__THeOrY
    22. dndnd
    23. Kristell
    24. GrAdLoN
    25. Semzz
    26. H
    27. Zethro
    28. Xilver
    29. l-nightmare-l
    30. -llLll0llRllDII--Sem--lIl1lIl-
    31. Bambi
    32. _MP_Trigon_ZE_
    33. stevemeyerhoff
    34. YA-_Eagle_-FI
    35. Elizabeth_Bathory
    36. LMABAO
    37. ll__Bunny__ll
    38. __________iKillNoobs__________
    39. __________iZEUS___________
    40. Resilient_LaDyAsHx
    41. Silvertip
    42. sean893
    43. Mt_Cronicals_Mt
    44. AZylaToR
    46. Hockey
    47. XxC-I_Kriss_S-TxX
    48. I_D34D1Y_P3NGU1N5_I
    49. DOP-CrystallFryer-DOP
    50. xXD3mOnXx
    51. III___Awen___Fairy___lII
    52. lIll__TITAN___llllI
    53. BenHorroz_in_Pyjamas
    54. King-Of-Terror
    55. -_-XxLocOxXBaCkFRomMooNxX-_-
    56. _-GUNNER-_
    57. __LethalInjection__
    58. NinjaFresh
    59. Dave
    60. x_Maleficent_x
    61. haysforhroses
    62. cerxes
    63. FireKTN
    64. davidisgreat
    65. SilverCross
    66. BlaZey
    67. ChuckNorris_TheGodOfWar
    68. XoX
    70. Dafydd69
    71. -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-
    72. -Death-Before-Dishonor-
    74. R0X3Y
    75. __RlcKyBoBby_Of_WoG__
    76. riceNramen
    77. mohd70
    78. kingsterp
    79. __dDodGE_of__WoG___
    80. MagnusViking
    81. Murrsingen
    82. N_C_U_BRUIN
    83. Holydragon
    84. YA_wHiTeGh0sT_FI
    85. Madara
    86. -_slim-shady_-
    87. ___-___GoS___-___
    88. xXxRPL_WarAngelAthena_RPLxXx
    89. StealthGoat
    90. Its_5_Oclock_Somewhere
    91. Shadester
    92. TAN_KALI_GRA
    93. IlIlIlinsanelIIlIl
    94. ConfusedRabbit
    95. AshtonRocks
    96. MM--CONTROL--MM
    97. Greengiaint
    98. -CuTeDaUgThEr-
    99. -Mrs_WyTheN-
    100. Devil_o_Dragon_f_Darkness
    101. Kristell
    102. lIlIlIlILlIlIOlIlIWlIlIlIlI
    103. MH-MUSKRAT69
    104. -iAlive-
    105. The-Gunslinger
    106. XxXbatdogXxX
    107. MiloneLSA
    108. --M-a-s-t-e-r--B-l-a-s-t-e-r--
    109. rooks
    110. WaR-LorD_VaDer-LoR
    111. AZ__lXIEllDllWll1llNIXI__TEC
    112. lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl
    113. king_killer
    114. Wes
    115. The_Sound_Of_Silence
    116. -Max_Lawman-
    117. Indian_Outlaw
    118. Majin_Venom
    119. DaPpaHusSain
    120. l_l_l-TheDarkDragon-l_l_l
    121. _-o_O-BakedToPerfection-o_O-_
    122. --MFDP-THe-LeGeNDaRy-MaCHiNE--
    123. -WyTheN-
    124. masterchifchaf
    125. Baby_Chino
    126. Rogue
    127. _MRS_FaTDuDE_
    128. iSsSsSsSsSsSi
    129. Onesy
    130. MM-King_Of_Noobs-MM
    131. jack-wolfskin
    132. _thegivingtree_
    133. T-K33P3R_OF_7-N-TH_R34LM-G
    134. Stacy_P
    135. king_killer
    136. LordOfToeRags
    137. LrdDarius
    138. Dealer-of-Doom
    139. III__Asacusa__lll
    140. _The_Stig_
    141. Star_Aria-Cecily
    142. SS_CrazyBeautiful_SS
    143. nilzzol
    144. iiiiiiiiiiithe1iiiiiiiiii
    145. _____Lord-Dragoniss_____
    146. Spikeman69
    147. I3ad_-Twisted_Lady-_
    148. The_l3ad_I3oogeyMan
    149. -ToT-AshunShugar-ToT-
    150. XoXoX
    151. Kezzer
    152. -ViTaLStATiSTiX_MaCHiNE-
    153. Pingu
    154. diudiu
    155. Snoopy
    156. -pent_diunasing_kml_onlan99
    157. IlIIIlIlSensei-ShogunIlllIlll
    158. xWarRocketAJAXx (Time Situation make No.)
    159. Cherry
    160. CheeChee
    161. tHe_KnuCKle_HeAd_MaCHiNE
    162. 2Bar (Situation makes a No)
    163. iIiDiIiAiIiViIiEiIi
    164. Acheron
    165. Vaizen
    166. ALPHA__PsG_DoG__ALPHA (situation makes a No)
    167. I_W1LL_B3_UR_J3KYLL_2_UR_HYD3
    168. L3TH4L_BUT_2_HOT_4_U_2_H4NDL3
    169. Saeko
    170. _TIG_
    171. _THE-DARK-ONE_
    172. Xx_Alex-is-Awesome_xX
    173. empire_foxygirl
    175. HIM
    176. ginnikje
    177. Bud_man
    178. HeverTheOldKawGod
    179. xXP_3Xx_xx__MH__xx_xXP_3Xx
    180. -Indecent_Exposure-
    181. Bad_Redeagle1215_Bliss
    182. Dunna02_LSH_
    183. YummyZebracakes
    184. Seraphim
    185. ccsray
    186. Quokka
    187. Smegomatic
    188. Killzone
    189. lllllllDexterllllllll
    190. 123wxyz (too soon, situation makes a No)
    192. ArabianWarMaCHiNE
    193. Rikkimaru
    194. DoubleXEdged
    195. -ollGl-lR-l-lM-lL-lO-lC-lKllo-
    196. -xXDiRtY_OrTiZXx-
    197. THE_VD
    198. XSTEVIEX
    199. -OGREATONE-
    200. Nighthawk_FPBO_1 (situation makes a No)
    201. Ashaya (time situation makes a No)
  3. Vote Yes

    Yes Votes means these players want new land and builds.

    Currently holds 14% of votes.

    1. Lonesong
    2. xS__aNaCondUa__xS
    3. Garfield
    4. llCall_Me_ToF_Till_tHe_DeatHll
    6. Nlck
    7. Mockery
    8. -AIIllI4_RIIlIllI-
    9. Bob_Sacamano
    10. __Speedos__
    11. -PlunderMax-
    12. DaddyOwnsYou
    13. Lol_the_Mighty
    14. xXx-ReelKrazy-xXx
    15. II-roni-II
    16. YA__BlackCenturion__FI
    17. Akshay830
    18. PiNkY
    19. The_son_of_Persephone
    20. IIII-Vladimir-IIII
    21. meat27loaf
    22. hanatos-Korgano
    23. x1-_jinchriki-SHS-Shonobi_EURO
    24. -sj_regni-inferno_69-
    25. -Rabblerouser-
    26. Hedwig
    27. deathstalker99
    29. YA_jerksslapper_FI
    30. twofeatherscomanchewarrior
    31. -carpetstain-
    32. TD_ticktock_TD
    33. KI_-T-E-M-P-E-H-_SS
    34. Static
    35. LT_Danny_LT

    [title2]Situational Votes[/title2]
    These voters would vote either yes or no if certain situations arise.

    Currently holds 2% of the votes.

    Iff they raise plunder all around or cut the cost of land and quest to where one could BCLC within the realm of a year: Yes
    If not: No

    Depends if they are new Low Lands

    If there is massive price cuts to current buildings: Yes
    If not: No

    After about 500 BCs, Yes
    Before that: No
  4. Well they'll probably give another 25 land for maximizing profit and ppl will be like 1.5b cs i guess? Then ally market will become even worse than ever. Would be nice when high stats players can start doing 20T per zta with that idea thou, that's about $20 income for devs.
  5. No
    The majority of kaw isn't even close to BC. Although the ones that want lands(Already BC) is pretty much all of ATA's earnings, we still need to take in that without balance in the game, KaW will eventually die off.
  6. No.

    *edit: why didn't you just make a forum poll? :lol: would be easier
  7. Hell. No. Figure out a new and actually creative method of expanding the game without adding lands :)

    Adding lands will just increase that never ending gap, that gap between the elite and the regulars. It will increase the community's (what is left of it) anger in the devs. It will cause more people to quit. Shoving more lands and buildings down the players' faces only provides temporary enjoyment. It will provide monetary gain, certainly, to the devs. And that is, fairly to them, what they want as a company. However, this monetary gain is also only temporary. Eventually, people will get bored again . They will need more. And all the meanwhile, others that rightly feel that they cannot catch up will have quit.

    How about instead, the devs use their creative minds (if they have them) to create a NEW aspect to the game. A blacksmith, a new gold sink, SOMETHING, ANYTHING. The reason this game is failing is due to the lack of NEW CONTENT. It's just the same crap recycled over and over again.

    This post will probably be ignored. Just my two cents. :)
  8. Didn't you quit like 10 times krusty? Go away for like good
  9. NOOO

    It will keep the stat gap big. The bigger players are probably tired of hitting the same people. Let some of us catch up a little and make some things fun again. If you keep the gap there, osw just continues to be a bore leading to people quitting.

    New lands will also not only keep this stat gap, but it will ruin the ally market even more making it harder than it is now for players to get allies and keep them without big hiring off them. Also, there is no point in giving build tokens only to give build completes a boost in stats keeping the gap exactly as it was before.
  10. Leave my thread.
  11. Throwing my vote in with a no
  12. No, but it's probably going to happen anyway. It'd be cool if they waited one year to let others catch up but... doubt.
  13. who says the lands are gonna be aimed towards the complete builds? a midranged set of lands would be cool

  14. I'll take a hell with a side of NO too, thx.