I feel the issue with gaw was they tried to use the same model as kaw for iap, but, because most of the players were kaw vets, they weren't having none of it. They need to find a balance between pay to win, and pay to support. I feel much less guilty spending on a game because I enjoy it, rather than spending because I feel I have to. There's a line, and kaw is so far past it, it won't come back.
GaW was more fun IMO, but if they were to bring back a game it would be FC because it was more tight nit and more of them stuck around in KaW then players from GaW.
I totally agree with this thread! GaW was a really fun game with a great community (atleast when I played) the game has lots of potential and now a days I think millions of people would play the game
I've only heard from a small handful of GaWers compared to FCers is all I'm saying. I'm sure they are around, just don't seem to be very vocal.
As much as I hate to say it GaW is dead. It was a wonderful osw filled game that many of us were very very dedicated to. However there were some very cool features in GaW that I think could be utilized here. Crew chat - ditch the ally chat, bring in crew chat. No need to switch to 3rd party apps or pms to co-ordinate with your mega alliance members, jus load up a crew with 6 badasses and destroy your news feed. Crew news feed showed whenever someone in your crew takes inc so it was easy to co-ordinate and take them down. GaW's crew system only allowed for 6 ppl. Seeing as how KaW has a huge player base maybe bump it to 10, or even 20 spots. And an option to start your own fresh crew. Could bring a new twist/strategy to an old stagnant osw formula. But long like GaW. Long live PoK. We built from nothing and held lb spots as an independent osw clan. And that's why GaW was great. It wasn't ruled by whales
First off.. HI RASTA Second, I agree with the crew chat idea. I also think that adding a profile Bio would be an awesome addition to KaW. It's a fantastic way to display your favorite art, or even just to put info that does not fit in your banner.
Hi old friend. Kaw profile page is already too cluttered with EQ and 8 million items to make that feasible, but that was another pretty cool, if not minor part of the game
Support I loved gaw it was an amazing game I loved it I meet a lot of mazing people (don't hate me cella but I farmed u in osw) if they had real see new lands or something like that it would have had been much better
PoK PoK PoK Long time no see Rasta. Also didn't read any of this thread but whatever your points are I support them