World Chat Trivia I'm not sure if this has been suggested before..So here goes nuthin World chat trivia was an idea brought to life in Gangs at War, a past ATA game. It featured one player(known here as Snoopy) asking a series of questions on world chat. The player who answered first and correctly each question was rewarded a small prize. This was repeated for each question answered by the community in world chat. I believe that with the newly added 15 daily speaker gift from the developers, this would help to further liven our world chat experience and also help eliminate a world chat full of nothing but ads and people asking for ally hires. Here's my rough draft of ideas: 1) have an moderator (or even a world chat active valiant knight ) announce the start of trivia in world chat. Say once a week we do this, like on a Saturday night. 2) for each player who answers the question first and correctly, award them a small prize(say 1 or 2 xtals or a free nobility or two). 3) limit each player one prize per trivia night(no unfair distribution of prizes based on internet connection or finger speed). If anyone has further suggestions, feel free to pm me or simply post them here! Thanks for reading -Y_K-
Maybe. As I said, I don't know for sure if it's been suggested before. Hopefully it would help with wc liveliness though
Young Kalifa was not around during Moose's WC trivia days.. imo the "setup" is already there, another mod just have to pick it up should they wish (I said mod mainly cos the speaker issue, you need a lot of speakers to host a wc trivia) My only other advice (if you haven't seen the ultimate Kaw guide or Kode of Kaw.. shameless self promotion) is whatever you do, please do not speak about big clocks, certain types of cakes, a sound that the gun from A-10 plane makes, certain codes on castles, or Free(insert you favourite person that has been unjustifiably banned/silenced).. Oh and definitely do not start singing "Don't stop believin'"