Update 3/23 It appears adrianthegodofgin has created a love triangle. Amb has gone off with him and IMF nowhere to be found. Please give your feedback about this behavior to adrianthegodofgin on his wall in -WarLoR- thank you From the fires of war...... Comes some happy news to make you feel all tingly and gay Sigh...somehow Ads always manages to gatecrash a party...... Anyway - to the point I'm proud to announce my buddy -IMF- has finally put his wayward bachelor days behind him and got married to AMBERO!!!! Anyway the party was great, and -IMF- broke the whisky drinking record All I have left to say is to remind -IMF- of some great advice he once shared with the clan...... #cantsmashwithafloppy PLEASE CONGRATULATE THEM BOTH ON THEIR WALLS AND SHARE THE LOVE
After some complication with the audio and mic... and the duck fountain. We finally got to witness this beautiful ceremony. Two hearts coming together. Found in an unexpected place... what a wonderful day. can't wait for wythens and tweety's wedding...