First Annual aKAWdemy Awards

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by One-BaDaSs_PaiN-In_Ur-AsS_LiLi, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. TBH I thought it was nahm and I in a romance but bunny will do 
  2. The academy would like to sincerely apologize for the mixup we just had.

    It is Onesy and Nahm that are having a KaW affair..

    Bunny  is now hanging out with Lili and Ashes in some sammich of sorts..

    ...and Musang as usual, is left out on his own

  3. Catfish sammy ...U 3 dudes have fun w/dat 
  4. Why is "CATFISH" banned in WC & CC but not forums???

    iPhone (Droid still sux)
  5. Musang is the lonely cuckold who sits on the sidelines watching... dreaming.
  6. I'm okay with this :p

  7. Not sure if missed a category or nah
  8. Damn static.. I am sure we'll find a spot

    good eye, good eye
  9. Nahm didn't let left me on my own. I refused all his advances until he get his operation as transexual gal. I can give him my address so I can screw him for good
  10. [​IMG]

    I googled musang. This is what came up ...some sort of weasel apparently

  11. bad engreesh, bad engreesh
  12. I would engrish you so hard my pet
  13. The academy would like to further apologize for the error on the category "Best attempt at glory days"..

    Apparently Foxes just got disqualified..

    We now give this award to iG..

    Keep those 120 slots going y'all
  14. Those 120 slits should be historically preserved
  15. heeeyyy... where did my petition go? :-(
  16. Wouldn't want to mess with that viking  top man  cheers magnus 
  17. Best attempt at glory days "foxes" ahahah rip
  18. Why are we remembering Omar? the I wanna be a god but couldn't handle life so ended it all coward!
  19. No need, a friend of mine has his current mobile number and address.

    Now what would a dead guy be doing with an active mobile?