Who even is Ash lol? The fact that Roni calls me someone's alt with 0 proof is an indication of her mental instability. I always wonder if Roni has mental issues it seems to fit the narrative now. A 50 year old woman who stalks kaw forums for self validation. Keeps spamming every thread and her dirt posts are all over. Alison you're starting to look like a fool now. (Not thag it took a lot of effort) You pretended to be a woman for 4 years so men could hit on you. End of story. Anything you have to saw is irrelevant, you're just a low life dude with identify issues perv
That statless alt seems to be on every thread every day crying and whining about people over the Internet. Who does that? Really? That's sad for that person behind the screen. Maybe its disabled or something.
That's rich coming from a guy who pretended to be a women for 4 years, called himself Alision, hit on men, had men hit on him, got involved with a couple of these men. Etc. You still want us to take you serious? How do you expect anyone to respect a pervy catfish? It's disgusting, but you need help over the identity issues If you like men, cool, no issues. No need to pretend to be a woman to get their attention though, that's down right low
OP is butthurt for sure ...but catfish is seriously the biggest hypocriite whos ever KAWed. He/she/it whatever, it critisizes other peoples KAWing more then anyone, butts in more then anyone else where its not wanted, has whinned about Apoc in the past, prob more then anyone, .....theyll eventually get tired of her and toss her out like the trash she is. Then she'll go back to hating on them. Typical catfish behavior.
Lol, that isn't my alt. I'm just watching and laughing at you. You ok? I must have struck a nerve with the one and only response I gave ya yesterday. You seem crazier than usual. I'm too lazy to go back and forth with you like voice of truth is. Why argue with psychos?
Ohh it deffinantly is you ash, you give yourself easyily away.it has written exactly the same comment on the AtA thread what you wrote previously. -Voice_of_truth- = jealous ash.
Im not Ash, u lunatic lol U really do sound like a crazy woman with no life Roni, maybe stick to rp on pimd
-Jealous_voice_which_stems_from_Envy- = LadyAsh is a big coward too scared to speak from a main. So hiding on a statless account . if you so brave go on your main and continue with the insults.
Only jealous one around here seems to be you, Roni. You keep going on and on about me when I'm not around to the point that you crave my attention so much you just randomly accuse ppl of being my alt. It's awesome, very annoying but awesome in a pitiful, very sad way.
She's insulted you from her main already. All this detective work over what? You really think you scare anyone?
ash you have a stagnant non existant personality. All you ever write about in forums is judging and critisizing other people. You say roni has no wit .Yet you never do anything on ashes threads to entertain and join in . All you do is write sleazy and trashy comments which are more suitable for a adult 18+ site not a childs site. Hense why all your comments get deleted. All you write in wc is hello i am doing fine.And then you have the nerve to look down on other people who possess more of a creative streak and have a magnetic personality. Facts are you wasnt even noticed while in apoc because of all the apoc females that do have more flair and personality than you. Keep up with all the slander though thats just the jealousy talking within you.
I don't know Roni, I have to disagree with you. LadyAsh and I may not see eye to eye on everything but she's never been one to shy away from a debate and she's never been afraid to call me out directly. She doesn't have to create an alt to do it when she can (and has) said most of those things from her main anyway. Besides, she'll even post my wall from time to time. She's not afraid.
-voice_of_truth- is deffinantly ash .And everybody can see its you jealous of me ash. i dont even speak about you .I really dont care for your existance. You are just a apoc runner and traitor.And what is so hypercritical how you calling Tweety it. When you were the first one to be a traitor .And what a wall warrior trying to bully Tweety . And calling tweety fat.Yes you so mature .Jealous of tweety also so you insult her looks.But i have spoke to tweety and she is a loverly ,sweet girl and extremely funny and a strong personality. The only broken down personality is yours. Nobody is jealous of you because there is nothing going on with you to even be jealous of.
From what I've seen recently, haven't you been the one to start the insults on any thread you see someone or disagree with someone? Just a personal observation. Not an attack on you, Roni. Just an observation and I'd like to see you respond the civilized manner I know we are all capable of.
First of all, I'm in Euro/ Asia WC. Once in a while I'll use vpn to pop over USA wc to see if anything is going on but usually I'm unlucky. So... your point... once again.. is invalid. Never noticed in Apoc? Yeah... I won't even respond to that. Traitor? My clan was neutral until PUBLICLY attacked by KotFE, so like any normal osw clan we joined the osw. Traitorous, I know. Luckily for me, Mare posted his attacks in Forums so everyone could see. Can't be bothered to go into details. You have never warred against nor with me, all those that have warred with me know the OSW warrior I am and all those that have been targeted by me know it too. I rarely ever hear I can't war, and when I do it's from ppl that haven't seen me do it. You have nothing on me so you assume things. I dig it. Feeds my ego. You are so desperate that now I'm suddenly useless because I don't write forum threads? Wth kinda logic is that? I just choose to spend my KAW time differently. Your threads suck. Maybe I should write some wall of text threads too with crappy grammar, no color and pics and usually dedicated to ppl I don't like. You talented little gremlin you.