Why do the good old days feel good?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by _______D_A_R_K_N_E_S_S_______, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Genuinely curious as to what people think about that :) can Google the proper answer probably but always find people's view in stuff like this more interesting

    So what makes the all the bad things disappear from a earlier time period when we think about it? (Usually)
  2. Memories are weird. We remember key moments so it has to be something more significant. We remember the good and the bad but not the stuff in the middle. There was little bad that was significant enough to make our memories of old kaw bad.
  3. because that is how lord and saviour jesus christ made us to be.
  4. Because it didn't take 4 days to reach 10mill CS back in the day, that used to be high. Right? Now I'm kinda sad.
  5. Our only experience with old days is through movies and books and documents, which tend to all focus on the better things and ignore the bad parts (especially movies)