UA on Android

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ViX, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. First brought to my attention by Woooloooloop a while ago I've now done some rather extensive testing, lots of fb's by lots of android users, and during all of them, on my account, the gold loss NEVER doubles. Ata, why does UA never activate on android? Yet work fine on PC and IPhone? Rawr! Ata!

    Community notice anything like this? I'd like to see if anyone else has this issue, perhaps its device related? Me want answers!! Rawr! Hulk angry!

    Update: I tested android Vs IPhone- No profs
    Tested iPhone vs Android- and it procs. The glitch is in the android coding for UA.
  2. Maybe because ATA don't like you. Like everyone else who knows of your existence.
  3. He got confused. Perhaps gender fluidity has played a part in his despicable use of the cute yet overused word "rawr" For this, he must be killed. LETS KILL HIM GUYZ
  4. Trolls on a genuine forum thread, how cliche
  5. U mean to say I've wasted hundreds if not thousands of mither.

    This is pretty serious. ..devs need to answer asap
  6. Ok. I have a few questions because the info is lost on how you ran all of your tests.

    Are you the one running UA?
    Is it the player hitting you that has UA running?
    If it is the player hitting you;
    How do you know which player is on android, idevice, or PC?

    If there really is an issue with android UA then I do agree it should be addressed and fixed.

  7. Its fairly simple to know who's on what device- ask them. Strip mechanics and hit mechanics is something I've delved in for quite some time. In doing so I found out during a conversation with Woooloooloop that ANDROID users with UA on, never have the full use of the spell.

    Meaning if player A is on Android and full bars someone with steals on, UA doesn't activate, at all. Even if the target is on IPhone, PC, or Android.

    I verified this by having my friends, who are on android, run bars of steals into my account, with UA on, and the gold loss never changes. Where as when someone on an IPhone hits me, there's always at least 3 procs. You can tell a UA proc because the gold taken is almost double. (Never exactly double because gold taken goes down as your gold out goes down)
  8. Support. UA not working for android users.
  9. I will actually inquire on this with the devs and get back to you soon I get a response. :)
  10. Duh.

    Resistance is futile.

    Buy an iPhone.

  11. Considering the fact that I enjoy stripping off eb active lists for fun, and being able to decode barcode names, nah, that's a negative ghost rider.
  12. You can't see who you've blocked

  13. dont need to see blocked. And saying oh its my farm list is bs. Your farm list isnt big enough to not be able to remember or get link.

    /flawless victory
  14. You can see blocked on android. It just doesn't create a link. But even then, being able to see letter for letter allows me to write it down in a pm, and copy it from there.

    Edit: I may have lied. My one android can see it thru a drop down button on phone. My other 2 can't. Either way my point still stands.
  15. Support, devs please fix this :)
  16. Unholy Aura. Spell that gives you a chance to take more gold
  17. Wow. This bug still might exist in year 7?
  18. Budumps