Event Suggestions

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Ok, so by now we can safely assume that events are part of KAW life. (I remember nerding out over that first event trying to get that dang crossbow that quickly became obsolete!)

    That being said, WHAT SUGGESTIONS CAN WE GIVE to the devs to enhance or freshen up events for us all?

    Be CONSTRUCTIVE in your suggestions ... no need for the destructive, attention seeking, adolescent behavioral comments please ;)
  2. Maybe put a little more variety into them? As to how, I have no idea, but it's the same thing every time. Mix it up.
  3. How about event where they go 2 weeks without a event
  4. A valentines day event where u collect hearts and arrows to make a cupid arrow which then would lead to exclusive valentines gear
  5. I think a clan loyalty event would be cool. So like, every day youre in the event you get a multiplier to your event item drops. Maybe an extra 5 percent a day, so long as youre active that day. Increase the number of items needed a little maybe, so the big spenders still shell out to hit max items, and presto, people stop clan hopping as much.
  6. Bring the inferno/aqua one back
  7. A community goal is always fun, maybe a mutli clan event. So many things could be done rather than copy paste.
  8. Three suggestions:
    1) They are in the process of upgrading all the equipment to meet current C's levels. Have an event where instead of, or combined with an elements event, you can sell all your unwanted event equipment back for elements.
    2) This has been suggested many times, but a clan based event(s) where the rewards are based upon the clan achievement. This should be unannounced and locked so that "super clans" can't be formed in preparation.
    3) If keeping the current event format, change the drop rate to action based rewards vs the current plunder based rewards.
  9. It would be nice to get the aqua and inferno events back occasionally, I know a lot of people lacking in some of their Mage supplies
  10. How about an event where you collect different pieces from epic battles and they combine into one piece

    Each piece counts towards your total, then we can have different levels of goals

    Having the amount of pieces dropped directly correlate to the size of the kingdom would make it fair for everyone of all sizes

    Each goal will have different amounts of rewards paid out at the end

    End rewards could be health crystals, aqua, inferno, fancy equipment, silver bars, and crux chests

    Then devs could just change the story, the colors, and the skins to just repeat the same event indefinitely

  11. Players like you are the reason forums have taken a dive
  12. Doesn't matter. You dont have to chase events. So meh
  13. How about making eq earned during promos work with ebs like the old days of kaw no eq no hit bars or make eq hunts in ebs again instead of jus giving eq to us msde it more fun and enjoyable to hunt eq and move around tryn for eq drops and how about making silver drops part of ebs too like bronze bars use to. Another cool idea is bring back land tokens 1 or 2 per promo would be nice to have instead of free xstls everytime something screws up during a glitch in system
  14. A fully dedicated event for PvP
  15. Events should include drops from PVP. Every time you hit a player who opt in will drop some items. Just random few items because anyone can open osf and oaf. Some different at least. Event also should include questing. You quest for some random reward to coincide with EB event. Just mixed things up to get event more interesting rather than just a task.
  16. The biggest thing that needs to happen is
    One item to collect only.

    One it gets people hitting more

    Two IT stops forcing people to hit ebs with lower pay than optimal for their tier.
    ( chasing a low paying eb for drops costs more over two weeks than the silver bars compensate for its not worth it )

    Three pvp events that have increased plunder to compensate for the loss incurred in pvp actions over ebs.
    This would encourage more players to chase pvp events rather than ignore them in favour of eb events.
    These would need to be restricted to Valle list events to stop exploits like farming opens and alts.

    Balancing drops between eb tiers and kingdom sizes still needs to be further addressed the balance still is so lopsided that one kingdom can do a single offload and get more drops than another doing 3-400 actions.
    This discourages many. And certainly will not help inspire people to spend

    Sales btw also need to be addressed to reflect better value for players who recently had their prices hiked
  17. The promo equipment should work on all eb stages. This would make it far more desirable
    A requirement could be it has to be max enchanted but that would certainly add appeal.
  18. S H A R K E V E N T
  19. Some sort of clan based event. Perhaps one where you can 'opt in' to participating with a clan. Whenever you're in the clan, all the items you earn go towards the clan total. If you leave, or choose not to ally yourself with a clan, you get normal individual rewards. Clan based rewards would go to all those who have contributed to the total. There can be minimum requirement e.g. a contribution of 1000 items, in order to be eligible to get the clan rewards. This will help people prevent allying themselves with a HTE clan for example but not actively contributing. Other details would need to be ironed such as whether the owner accepts the applications etc. But something that involves the whole clan working towards a goal would be ideal.

    I think having occasion specific events would be good too. For example, Halloween, Christmas, New Years or Thanksgiving.

    I think the main thing is having variety in events. The devs don't have to overhaul the mechanics to introduce variety. The dew event, although it had its problems, was at least an attempt at something different.

    If devs are worried about a change being badly received, they can make a thread outlining some ideas of what they'd like to try. We'd be able to provide some feedback beforehand. Give them some more ideas. They could also make some polls. Although that's not a definitive source of information, it at least gives the devs some idea. Or they could 'test' a new style of event by running it for 4-7 days rather than the regular 14 days.
  20. What i can surely use in my uneventful life (bahdumtss) is one of those aqua and inferno events.

    I would really love to enchant some of my recent equipment.