kaw Guides 3.0 Pro on its way

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Titan_God, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. [​IMG]
    Please use wifi for viewing, video is 28.5mb
  2. What is that?
  3. Holy Jesus the amount of work that must've been put into this is incredible. No matter how it turns out, respect and support
  4. That is my guide site for Kingdoms at War that I have revamped. It's just about complete and hope it helps those that need information and helps with player retention :)
  5. Thank you Zethro I appreciate I been at it 6 months revamping it for mobile data usage to lessen that and about to call it complete :) I appreciate your words very much
  6. Can't the devs just make a better starting tutorial so new players know what they're doing and why?

    I been playing for years and still I don't know what is going on

    How much ally stats actually counts?

    People say just drop the last 2 numbers, but that's players trying to figure the game out, it's not the devs teaching people how the game works, and why can't they just show us that, showing anything but what actually applies just causes more confusion, don't you think?

    Even though you put all that work into trying to teach people how the game works, at the end of the day we can't be sure can we

    Do the devs even know?
  7. x_x,

    Actually this has helped quite a few by the amount of people that have signed up with the current site. The thing about the tutorial is it shows buy lands and buildings and hit someone that's it, the tutorial can't cover all that kingdoms at war is or you would spend a year in the tutorial before starting to play.

    I created this on my own being a web developer cause I rather the devs focus on game content and additions, so this is my way of helping not just the community but the devs.

    As for your questions they are answered in the new 3.0 version of the site which I'm working constantly to complete. I do hope it can help those that seek knowledge for the game and by all means if something is missing they can always email on site and I can add or modify anything on the fly just so it's more informative.
  8. Titan.. please report to KaW Illuminati asap to ensure that you have not violated Kode #19
  9. Lol will do :p
  10. TG u rock bro tyvm for your efforts๎€Ž
  11. Yeah I'm certain it will be helpful

    In not trying to be mean or anything I should congratulate you

    It just seems that the fact you have to create this shows how much the devs failed the players

    They give us a bunch of numbers and we have to use mathematical formula to figure it out instead of just showing us what we're looking at

    It's supposed to be 9+ game, but you need to be a mind reader to figure it out

    How is anyone in the 4th grade going to know any of this and learn the game

    Like max plunder bonus to allies

    What am I supposed to do with that? does my owner effect my plunder stats, do I even need an owner, do my stats effect my allies?

    why show us these numbers if no one knows what to do with this information, it's just confusing
  12. Nighthawk thanks bro I do appreciate that very much.
  13. It does look amazing Titan.. as far as web site function/design/interaction and styles go, it looks top notch..

  14. x_x,

    I do agree to a point this has a ton of mathematical equations to figure things out. Yes also as a 9 game it would be a lot to try to understand. Though algorithms are used so it's not a way for players to easily figure out certain aspects of the game.

    Though with that said, that is why I started this project a while ago so it can help even the youngest understand how the game works and it's aspects. I will state I can't mention algorithms as I don't know them, only calculations from testing which I do have calculators for figuring out max plunder, actual stats from allies and troop count calculators.

    I put enough into it to give the basic and intermediate knowledge cause well it's not fun knowing everything cause then what's there to look for and learn? Got to leave some suspense so it gives players something to find themselves how it works cause then you get players with pride and they have a lot more enjoyment in the game.

    I will say though after the launch of the version I am planning on developing a drag and drop interface for build calculations, thought that would be handy and pretty cool for all lands.
  15. Thank you Ashes it means a lot hearing that from you I really appreciate it. Please note the desktop version is slightly different from the mobile but not by much.
  16. Looks awesome, Titan! Nice work:)
  17. Congrats on producing this guide, I'm in a clan with quite a number of new players and this will be a valuable tool in helping teach them the game :) as has been said, an awesome job!!
  18. First post ever, from a returning player! Iam pretty hyped for that site! Always think iam stupid with all the questions for my clannies.. ^^ when its online, and could you give a direct link plz? (As an it guy by myself, it looks really smooth and enjoyable) :)
  19. Absolutely I will do that :)
  20. Make this an app I will pay 10$ for it ?๎„ looks awesome finally got the video to load