I agree retention of new players is quite low, with this I have been working on something to help both the new and current players alike. I just need to have time to finish it up as some know about it have brought up some key points which I am currently working on. This project has taken me well over 6 months and I do believe it will help with player retention and knowledge of the game. ~TG
I would take this as an opportunity as would other people. Make some Alts, bank the gold, and volley transfer gold/allies I only have a few Alts but I know people have more Alts then finger and toes
The amount you would make in volley transfers or even just directly using the accounts to buy allies is very minimal. A Bc account can easily pull in 10x that in same period of time
Onsey is correct besides the gold transfer ratio on volley is very small. You need 5x the amount of gold you want to volley to the said account you're funding.
Also... 1t a day.. for 60 days would leave the accounts bigger than me. Yknow.. I'm one of the last people to get salty about things like that but it would definitely get a lot of backs up. Admittedly I haven't been active the whole time but this account is almost 4yrs old... and people going to jump in and probably be twice my days in 60 days? I think a new player bonus is a great idea... but let's not try and piss off the existing player base in the hope of getting new players!
It's really not that hard to grow if you are active, he did say only on days they average 250+ actions. This would promote activity and weed out some Alts
I have an acct with 128 Favor's and ranked 20033. There are closer to 25k accts active/semi-active and more than double that inactive/gone accts.
I think iPads,tablets etc are becoming way more popular (my 2 year old even owns one) and this game is too basic for them, people prefer to play games with better graphics etc. I don't see kaw ever growing more.
Yeah I've personally tried getting loads of my friends into this game and I nearly always get the same response of "yeah but you don't actually do anything" I try telling them to stick with it... after a few days to a week you get the general idea and after a month that's it.. you addicted only one friend listened... but.. he stayed and played for a long time! It's hard to explain the social aspects of this game... the part that makes it so appealing... even though most things on this game are incredibly simple... it's about being able to make friends to grow your clans... leadership in wars... politics in osw... so much more than tap tap going on in this game and it's hard to see as an outsider!
It's been said before, kaw isn't about graphics or much of a certain skill. It will never be able to complete as such with other games available on the market. Pvp and especially social aspect make kaw attractive to us, it is what made us stick around for all these years - and this is what devs should put more time/money in terms of developing and advertising (I don't mean tv commercials). But instead the money are being invested in creating more mediocre games..
Here's another number to think about: there's only about 300 bc accounts in kaw right now. And things like gold/event drops, eq, all kinds of items come much easier to bc accounts. 300mcs spy can't get a max drop from eb with 500 actions. I get max event drop from 1.5fb in the same eb. No wonder the gap is growing. Devs should stop catering to lb, don't worry about them being bored after they bc, no need to keep throwing new lands/levels at us for a while..instead give smaller players (larger player base) chance to compete with us bigger guys. Maybe that is the reason why many think that bc is the only way to fully enjoy this game. It's not true but it certainly is harder for smaller players There's only 4 players on my bl every pvp weekend. Same 4 all the time lol of course bc players get bored. The gap devs created is a big problem, but all we see throughout the years is ata making it wider with every new upgrade..
MMOs like this appeal to such a small number of people because most people have RL lives that they care more about then dribbling over BS drama like the clowns on this MMO do. This game appeals to neurotic behavior PERIOD. (social aspect lolol) ...the struggle to stay "relevant" is straight up keeping Freud doing cartwheels in his grave. They just trying to milk it for all its worth monetarily until the lunatics that spend money on this game finally get committed in RL. Its not ATAs fault this game sucks. Its 99.99% the players fault. ...ATA is just taking advantage of you as well they should because if you morons wernt wasting it here yould just waste it somewhere else, so might as well.
Don't jump on starless Alts to post.... either you're one of the people you speak of.. or worse... one of them who's scared to lose their fake gold
The fact that this alt doesn't know any different is good enough to safely assume its one of the people it speaks of. Im sorry you don't have a life and sorry you don't know what it is to have a hobby. Playing a tap tap game without being involved in drama is not hard, but I guess it depends on one's personality. As a paying customer I really don't care if ATA is taking advantage of kaw being one of the hobbies I'm whiling to pay for. I want ATA to make money so maybe they can develop kaw more and more. The main idea behind any business is profit so why is it so shocking that ATA is trying to make money, I just don't get it. Though i often disagree with what they think is most profitable route. It used to be much more enjoyable to spend here when devs worked with players more and listened to them. Maybe it'll change again, if it won't there's plenty of other hobbies I can spend my free cash on. It's not like we are forced to play kaw, but that statless alt must feel so, may be it's related to that psychotic behavior issues it speaks of
lol you call KAW a hobby? ...more akin to a drug addiction or a smoking habit, you know smoking is bad for you and will eventually kill you but you still do it and even complain about your rights to smoke are being infringed upon. Then when youre dying of lung cancer youll want our sympathy and assisstance. ....yeah right lol
Evidently lmao What it keeps saying makes me feel more and more pity for it. Maybe it is an addiction for some, but if u feel that way it doesn't mean everyone else does. In your case it may be best to just delete the app
Well admittedly ill say im being a bigot about your hobbies lol ...when i think hobbies im thinking of my own which involve creative thinking that benefits myself and others. Im a member of TechShop among other things lol ...to each his own though lol Carry on idiots lol