Star Wars discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. "Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future." - Yoda

    With the loss of Carrie Fisher, the announcement of upcoming films, the end of the triple trilogy saga only 2 films away, and the reveal of Episode 8's title, there's many rumors and speculations floating around.

    I'd like to hear some of our own KAWmunity's thoughts of the future of Star Wars.

    How will Disney handle the death of Carrie Fisher ... Rewrite her character out of the script? CGI? Recast?

    Episode 8's title of "The Last Jedi" ... does Luke die? Does Luke become Sith leaving only Rey as a Jedi?

    The Han Solo movie ... an idea worth doing or just a money-grab by Disney?

    Will we see other character's stand-alone movies and who would you like to see have their own backstory movie? (Yoda, Boba Fett, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, etc)

    Let me hear your thoughts, but stay on topic and don't troll.
  2. Darth maul movie would be awesome
  3. Agreed Onesy, but they've covered so much of his story in the cartoons (Clone Wars and Rebels)
  4. Never seen any of that, but I think they need to go way back in Star Wars. Do a movie when the Jedi and sith first came about. They would have such freedom in the storyline
  5. Now THAT would be EPIC!!!
  6. A lot of that exists in expanded universe. So their freedom is slightly limited. Altho that's mostly only the names and a few important events.

    Personally, I want to go to yodas early days as a jedi. As far as I'm aware, none of that has been touched upon. There's what, 900 years of content to be had? Or was it 600? I don't remember the quote.

    That would give lead ins to count duku, windu, and a bunch of other characters who were only briefly touched upon. (Yes, 3 movies in star wars is briefly)
  7. Darth Maul!
  8. I loved rogue one. I like the event based movie concept. I'd like to see Qui-Gon and Count Dooku, obviously pre ep1, mix in Sifo-Dyas. I'd like to know that whole back story. All characters have a back story, some are cooler than others.
  9. "The childhood of Jar Jar Binks"
    Star Wars episode 10 confirmed....?
  10. Yes! About 900 years of content with tons of already known characters in passing especially those famous names he's trained!
  11. I loved Rogue One as well ... and yes the event based movie concept is a great format to use!
  12. Exactly jedi. That's like 2 movies a year for 10 years. We can also find out more about maiz from awakens, who is confirmed to have known yoda
  13. As it's being stated all over the interwebs, Jedi isn't necessarily singular in the title and it could be referring to the last of a couple, or even a few.

    I think since at this point Luke himself is the Jedi Grandmaster and has had 30 years to practice and hone his skills, he is the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. He won't die too easy if at all. He will train Rey in the way of the Force and usher her into becoming a Jedi Knight, who might become even more powerful than Luke.

    Together they'll face Snoke and Kylo and perhaps with the knowledge Luke has gained since their time together, he'll be able to convince Kylo in rejoining the Light Side.

    Only time will tell, but personally I hope they portray Luke as the badass he's meant to be and was destined to become.
  14. As much as I want to see like be a badass, I seriously doubt it will happen.
  15. Finn and Poe love story movie
  16. Yes, it could be plural form of Jedi but his contract was for only 7 and 8. Carrie's was for all 3 final movies. Supposedly she was to be crucial in confronting Kylo too (may be in 8 already or slated for 9). Luke could go the way of his overseer, Obi-Wan, and be rusty in the Force and give way to dying to become more powerful in death. Supposedly Luke tried training Kylo but didn't succeed thus going into exile over it.

    I can't wait to see more about who Snoke really is as well.
  17. Nah, we saw enough of that relationship in Episode 7 hahaha
  18. I like the idea of a movie for Yoda, but I see little purpose. He's dead and there's still a series that's in it's 40s now. Lets finish that first, rather than providing context for a deceased character (who I would totally love to learn about).
  19. I think there's a Yoda movie slated for after the Saga Trilogy is completed ... 2017 is Episode 8, 2018 is Younger Han Solo Movie, 2019 is Episode 9, and I think 2020 is the Yoda movie
  20. Boba fett 