Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Muffet_the_Squirting-_-MaCHiNE, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Hi all. There's been lots of grumbling about clans breaking down and that there's to many clans made then disbanded.

    It be nice to have a clan based event where the items collected by members combined to get a clan total. Then the whole clan would receive the rewards. To build on clan loyalit n help clans grow as a whole. To stop people just moving to a clan that will get more reward there could be penalty that you only get a percentage of rewards eg if it's a 14 day event on you move clan half way through you'd only get 50% of the clans rewards.

    You could still have individual rewards. But could give clan achievement like pestilence.
  2. Been suggested dozens of times over the years, devs too lazy to do it
  3. Devs too busy fixing known issues*
  4. Hmmm yeah, heard this come up multiple times, just slightly different.

    But then you gotta take into account the inactives vs the super actives, does it seem fair though?
  5. Anything that encourages clan loyalty has too be good idea.

  6. Clan based events have certain issues that need to be overcome.
    The largest builds get the largest and fastest drops by default.

    As such the lb would stack a few clans and there's the event top places settled before you even start.

    Mid clans and smalls would still lose members to clans stacking as much as possible both for activity and the largest builds they could.

    Adding a plunder bonus linked to time in a clan would be far more effective.
    However that in turn presents the issue of what happens when members leave to go to wars.

    Until devs can link players to certain clans their will be issues and unfortunately exploits with these types of ideas.
  7. No support.

    If this were implemented, it would not encourage clan loyalty.

    People would not want to stay and help build up a lesser clan, and instead try and find a well established clan that they know will get good rewards. New clans would become even harder to start.
  8. Not a overall bad idea but as optimal pointed out, would still kill clans overall. Why would I stick to a clan that's barely getting by while the option of a bigger faster clan was available?

    Also taking into the account members that are "not as active" will be dropped quick. While as it sits most clans understand that 1. People do sleep, & 2. People have lives outside Kaw. This would Severely hurt clans because owners would start kicking & recruiting the most active players aka "Xtal & Seal Buyers". Here where I'm at 150 hits per eb is required, that's not a unfair or bad ratio but the owner understands the two principals I stated above. Not all clans understand this & would tighten restrictions ridiculously.

    This alone would Severely hurt loyalty to any & all clans