HTE- yelp reviews

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by C0ML3Y, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. I only made it to page 4 but from what I read this is the dumbest thing in the world. Lmao Clowns. I rarely read forums but was told to come here. Get a life fools. Salty, big dady who ever u are let it go lol. I'll come help unlock later when ebs get bigger. I have been kicked from more hte clans than I can count. Never would I cry like this lmao. I once lost a year pass . It's just a game fools please stop with the lame kaw propaganda.
  2. I would be mad if i lost a year pass...
    Thats over 80-90 seals at 3-4 days per seal. How in the world did you do that, and how in the hell did that happen
    I can tell you pay the bills. Props to you though. If you bought them nobs with spragga and used them during the 50% off hte promo then i can see its not as big of a deal. Its only like $120 in nobs, but... still.
  3. Ahhh someone assumed your gender?? Do you need a colouring book and a safe space? Play dough and a juicy box?
  4. @donald yes please Mr. President
  5. Lol com you got a lot of **** started with this one haha good stuff
  6. Hey! I didn't do anything! I'm innocent.

    Though just a quick reminder. Please format your reviews for each clan properly.

    Is there any other Hte complaints or compliments?
  7. Kaw was better before money hungry devs added hte.BRING BACK PWARS .pay for ll's again.old kaw rules
  8. Pwars don't pay the bills. You have to accept the fact that paying players are what are keeping this game from going poof.
  9. Going to have to step in and say try and keep the thread on track. It was made to review HTE clans and it's derailed to focus on a few players dislike of a single clan. Try and keep it to the OP and submit honest reviews of the various HTE clans you have paid visits to. :)
  10. They have every right to negatively comment on one particular clan which they view as being inadequate.

    If the op wanted them to stop they would tell them to stop. I'm assuming various Vacation members pm'd a few mods in order to get the thread locked/deleted. The fact that you ask for the return of "honest reviews" suggests that you have personal bias against those that have the audacity to criticise 'The Vacation'.

    Mei, please learn to detatch your personal feelings from your role as a mod. As well as learning to read analytically, the OP does not double check reviews and ensure their honesty; you seem to be the one making the request.

    Make your own sugarcoated HTE clan review thread. You are free to do so at any time.
  11. I agree with this, you appear to be picking a side as you didn't mention that people originally derailed the thread by arguing my 2nd post on here. For you to say it's derailed because of some players views of the vacation is completely one sided

    I suggested going back to the first page where warfare originally took the thread off topic by not reviewing the clan and simply saying I was wrong.

    As stated by incendiarydevice you should remove your bias and personal feelings/thoughts before comment upon a thread such as this where there are 2 fairly well defined sides.

  12. I'm pretty sure you misread what I said. I said honest reviews, this includes negative or positive.
    Not once did I say you have to post sugar sprinkled reviews praising anything so I recommend you take your mod-hate rage elsewhere. What I did say was keep the thread on track and stop with back and forths of "he said she said" because the OP was to review the clans not go back and forth on what a person said and how another perceived what they said.
  13. Not one single player even read this, did they?
    This is what I meant by keep to the OP (original post)
  14. @mei u say wot m8, r u accuzing mi off derailin these thread? Thet is a h8 crime, ay'll be emailin suport
  15. Not one single mei read the multiple reviews that may not have followed this format but they gave clan name, pros/cons, and description of stay? There a few post on this thread that are good.

    Maybe biased eyes can't see these posts..?
  16. Don't know why you keep saying biased eye. I don't have biased eyes for any hte clan. Never have and never will. The negative reviews help as much as positive reviews. But if people don't follow the format given by the OP and just put what they want then why not just make their own thread and post in that?

    But this is the last post I am going to make about this. Just keep the thread going as the OP wanted. Negative, positive, sideway, leftways, rightways, doesn't matter just post as it was intended.
  17. Has the OP insisted upon the format explicitly throughout the thread? No. In fact he appears to have adapted to its current state. It's up to them, not you.
  18. When she says she's not biased while on stating that a certain group of people are to blame for derailment. What group of people is that? The people who do not like the vacation

    You say that both reviews help, however you won't state that people defending the vacation with positivity are derailing this. This is this bias I am talking about, untill I see you stating that they are as much to blame as the people with negative views, I will see you as biased towards them.

  19. Well, it is her duty to monitor and use her powers to keep the community in the right standard. She will not of said anything if it was generally just about smack talking on clan. All she's doing is to suggest you use a more formal format as I stated to be used. The ideal of the thread is to be able to read the good and bad about clans without reading through walls of text.

    But yes. I have adapted the original post to bring that back in line with the said purpose and I will continue to do such thing. When there more up to date issues arised.

    But the General ideal is good. Though. Please try to be more precise and don't repeat yourself or try to argue about opinions.

  20. Ok, let me re-word that as you seem to have taken what I said as a personal attack towards you for some reason; it was derailed with back and forth OVER a dislike of a clan, both sides are at fault. In no way have I said that you aren't allowed to dislike a clan, so stop insinuating it.