Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by VeriVenomous, Jan 25, 2017.

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  1. A old ata game similar to this one but more futuristic. #lock
  2. Failed contraception
  3. Fc vet
    GaW vet
    Smash vet
    Meego retired
    Possibly touched PiMD :/
    Currently playing KaW on and off
  4. A Thinking Ape, a popular Vancouver-based indie gaming studio is discontinuing two of its popular mobile-based games, called Future Combat and Gangs at War.

    The company acknowledged that both of the games, launched in October 2010 and November 2011 respectively, attracted some of the company’s most dedicated and loyal players. It initially made the announcement on August 25.

    The tough decision came down to the fact that the startup wants to focus its energies on areas where it will have the most impact. A company spokesperson confirmed that both games’ user counts dropped below acceptable numbers to continue working on them, or below its preference to “provide the amazing experience our players deserve.”

    Source: betakit.com

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