Pros of human mods 1.Their flaws: while this applies to pros & cons it is definitely a pro based around the theory that they can certainly learn from a mistake. 2.Being Human period: This is their greatest pro simply because they all have a certain level of Tolerance that an A.I. Would not. 3. Differential Personalities: While no ONE mod is perfect. Let us be happy they instituted an entire team. Cons of Human mods 1.The Flaws: Simply put the they are not perfect. 2.Tolerance levels: self explanatory really Spock may be alot more forgiving then Eagel & tolerate more crap. However this isn't wrong by any standard. A jobs a job & as long as it's being done, they are not wrong for doing it justly. *Disclaimer* The names mentioned above were completely at random.
Pros & Cons of "Modbots" Pros 1. Unbiased judgement: Self explanatory. Cons 1 Unbiased judgement: Current mods generally offer a warning to prevent issues (subject to each mods tolerance). While a bot would unbiasedly silence all offences. 2. Lack of Human interface: seriously who among us likes dealing with "Tech support bots"? 3.Cost & Potential Lag problem: This would come as a huge update to the servers & would likely be a huge mess for a while & still drag down the servers after the bugs are worked out costing tons of Cash & Tolerance from the player base.
Unfortunately, this entire thread will be viewed as a complaint about moderators, and questioning the in-place system that ATA has developed for their game. They won't pay much attention to it, because we are ants in their farm. Moderators are given a task, and the freedom to implement their will. If they screw up too much, they take it away. Sure people get mad when a mod goes rogue, but mostly it's hilarious and talked about for years (i.e. Benny). It's a game. Everyone takes it far too serious.
No one cares. Quit trying to fix something that's not broken. People also need to stop saying KaW is loosing players, dying, etc... No it's not. People can say they're gonna leave as much as they want, but they always come back. Hence why this game has been alive for 7 years.
I would like to see more mods from euro/asia cause there are only 2 right now(wabs and choco).and cant expect them to cover 24/7 when both are from the same tz.
My advice is to recommend some to the support team and the current mods. It gives us people to look out for.
Not sure what to make out of that comment cool aid,or maybe you are just looking for a"wow you been around for such long time" you are soooo cuuuul(saying that with a cartman voice)
My post wasn't meant to be sarcastic. It's the truth. Those were years when moderating by myself was difficult. I wish there were more players asking for more then.
Ah i only read up to page six. I was a little dissapointed there was no popcorn eating a gazelle. Still my mind boggled imagining it ;-)
Very interesting and a few moderators have brought up a few good points. As mentioned, have an issue with a moderator, send an email off to support@athinkingape. We are human, major mystery solved.
If no bot players are allowed, then I think it'd be a bit hypocritical if the devs put bot Mods into play. Besides, what fun would it be talking to bot Mods in WC? They'd only have so many automated answers to your questions. In my humble opinion, if the devs wanted to have bot Mods in the game instead of humans, it would have happened already. But, you never know what's gonna happen when SkyNet takes over.
Do you think Grant silenced me for spam following Yeti 8 times? He(Yeti) still hasn't blocked to this day. There was no abuse or harassment. Never was revoked either. #IsmellCatfish