How far would this get me?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by OkieDokie, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. A hansel has always been 1 attack building the rest spy. Whoever started calling it ps1 is an idiot. Anything over 1 att building its no longer a hansel, it's a Hyb.
  2. technically you're wrong lol
  3. Exactly, being hansel technically means having hansel mechanics. These are true for spy buildings being >75% of build, hence the situation where you can be 600m/600m/50m/50m and have said mechs
  4. That's right, I say that you can't change it. I suggest you familiarize yourself with logic before making *more* false claims.

    Edit: added word
  5. If you sold all your buildings you'd probably get about 200 for your account, which should be enough for a PlayStation.
    Course you could keep the buildings and get 500+~
    Yw, I take donations.

  6. This post shows the common misunderstanding of the terms hansel and what it means and explains why folks get so caught up with the term hansel vs ps1 (however you wanna define that acronym)

    A "hansel" is not a build with all spy and 1 troop building. A "hansel" is a build where the number of troop buildings are less than 25% of the number of spy buildings. This is the key element. The number of buildings are important because if you have less than 25% troop buildings relative to your spy buildings, you will be dtw to atk when you have zero gold out and are being hit by an atk build. (atk build being a build with 25% or less spy buildings relative to atk buildings). This really isn't important anymore with the new lands and crazy stats. It used to be a huge deal, especially in early EE wars, to be able to go dtw to atk builds while still having troops.

    So, a "hansel" is a build with 25% or less troop buildings relative to their spy buildings (towers and castle don't count). An attack build is the reverse, 25% or less spy buildings relative to troop buildings. A hybrid is any build between those 25% marks. There are other oddities like the haxor or tower builds but not gonna get into that here. Other than those three major ones, there are specific builds like pure spy, or pure atk (rarely seen anymore), and the ever argued PS1.

    A ps1, whatever you wanna argue the letters stand for, is a pure spy build and one troop building. This used to the be standard idea of a hansel and it is a hansel build as there are less than 25% troop buildings relative to spy buildings. However, even though a ps1 is a hansel, it's not THE hansel. A ps1 is just one of the million types of builds that have hansel mechanics.

    Now, the key is, with all of the new lands, you can have crazy stat builds that are actually hansels. For example, if you built all spies on the LL, HL, HF, and Abyss, and then almost all (24 out of 25) troop buildings on the Airlands, you'd have a hansel as 24 lands would be troop and 100 lands would be spy. However, if you looked at the stats, that build would look HUGE in atk and not very big in spy. Stats don't effect those mechanics though, number of buildings does. So, that guy would be a hansel and would be dtw to atk from atk builds when his gold was banked.

    However.....almost no one is an atk build anymore. No reason to be an atk build and limit yourself that way. Even if you want to be huge atk and almost no spy, just make your LL spy and one or two other spy buildings somewhere and you're a hybrid (over 25% spy buildings relative to atk buildings)

    So, long story short, hansel doesn't mean much as almost everyone is hansel or hybrid once they get big. However, ps1 does make a buttload of gold and promo drops. If you were gonna convert, the sooner you do the better. It doesn't get any easier to convert when you're double the stats you are now....
  7. /lock plz. this thread was not meant for a debate to be started.

  8. Can u count to potato?
  9. Wow, so many short fuses
    I'm in the forums but I see no constructive discussion 
  10. We should just start calling it TH. Traditional hansel. Not only is it 1 less letter for all the lazy people, but it's actually accurate to what the build is.

    Ps1 can't exist. Pure spy has no attack. The moment you add an attack building it's a hansel,not a pure spy. These are facts.
  11. This is something I'd expect to read from the new president. Good imitation
  12. A hansel is less than 25% att
  13. I think we can all agree on this. The term PS1 is absurd. It's either a pure spy or it isn't, and pure spies have NO attack buildings
  14. What exactly are the Hansel mechanics?
  15. see page 3
  16. Great explanation from Thanatos

  17. So I have a question... why not 25? 5 sets of land, so 99 spy. 25 attack on air would only be 20.4% or some crap attack. Or am I missing something here?
  18. Unnecessarily long quote, but I'll answer your question.

    It doesn't have to be 25% troop buildings exactly. Anything less than 25% troop buildings is a hansel, anything over that is a hybrid or potentially an attack build. You can get as close to 25% as you want, but you'll have relatively weaker spies as a result.