It would be rather useful if every clan member who holds one of the top 3 ranks in each clan would be given an additional speaker allowance per day to help with recruitment. Maybe somewhere between an extra 5-10 per day, not going past the regular 25 cap. Yes, I realize you can buy speakers for 1 nob point each, but I would think most players would rather buy ZTA circles/seals/horns. *Edit* I realize that there are measures in place to keep spam out of world chat. What I'm really looking for is a more creative and easier way for clans to advertise their EBs, since ads sometimes get flushed out of World Chat in seconds. Could it be possible make the Epic Battle list feature more prevalent and maybe add a search option to it? Or maybe have it be organized by Epic Battle tier? Thoughts?
Or you know have all members of the clan post ads out? Each member of your clan gets 5 speakers per day (unless they're PC only accounts) so rely on your current members more. I do support there being ways for players to earn more speakers but this way isn't one that I feel I can support. Just buy a clan for 25b and you have instant access to extra speakers which you can then use for spam.
If we had more speakers we would have more freedom to have conversations as well as post ads. Based on how things are I will choose to spend my speakers on advertising rather than general chatter. So I support anything that could enhance wc rather just blindly assume everyone is going to spam.
I can converse quite a bit with 25 speakers, though I do hate when WC gets hot right as I'm running out. I'd like to see them randomly dropped from P2P E.Bs and event chest.
Speakers don't semn like a worthwhile endeavor for the developers. The profits they get from them most be low, so why keep them as a purchasable item?
There are points to the speaker system. If everyone had limitless speakers, WC would get forcefully penetrated in it's butt cavity by clan ads, R.P wierdos, and below average trolls.