
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Dylan42, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. Will this game be around for another 6 year? Wonder if the developers plan for it to last that long. Or will they just pull it like they did to Gaw.....
  2. As I can see how you put your best effort into this post, I'm NOT going to troll you. 
  3. Truth be told I thought this game was doomed to die after they started giving ll and hl lands out to new players but that was a while ago
  4. I see no end in sight as long as devs keep making money.
  5. Gaw had way less people playing then kaw
    The real money spenders are on kaw
  6. Someone make a thread that records each and every "KaW is gonna die soon" post.

    It makes it easier to track who is feeling extra obvious.

    Thread'd get a lot of views.
  7. Good idea, I'll get started right away