Kaw was once a fighting game we took gold where we could it was a good game we even respected fighters and usually made friends most of my good friends are people I fought we would hit each other for months and banter on walls I loved all my enemy's tbh now we have trolls with no account ( oh I'm sure they may have ) maybe it's people I annoyed in past but to get messages like I hope your kids get cancer ? Something wrong with the world tbh this isn't kaw a game people liked anymore these are troll scum and need to be eradicated Trolls post away i not read this post again your opinion not worth logging in
Kaw was once not pay2win m8, things change and you gotta adapt and learn that the credit card is the only thing that stays the same
Playing KaW represents the absence of life. So if you're in here already, just assume you don't have one.
But your original post is correct after careful deciphering. This is not a KaW that is fun anymore. The time for PvP is non-existent as the next event and lands are being throttled down your throat.
And missing are the days when you could 1v1 without an assault of goons jumping in because one player ran back to their clan for help. Gained respect for many and new friends from a few this way. Not really the direction things progress anymore.
At least people use to complain and cry to their clan about the 5x farm rule or whatever it was. Now a days 90% just ignore you and don't hit back.
Yep lol easier money on eb people want to build accounts but for what ? They don't fight so why need build the point of game is to fight oh I'll wait till I'm stronger U will never get stronger than the game will push it unless u pay and go with it You will never have fun playing you will always be thinking that other upgrade