What really needs to happen is that they show who's just been silenced and who's been permanently silenced, like they used to. We should all be able to point and laugh.
Support. This is beneficial to all, is easily implemented as it was before, and will result in a huge improvement to kaw. Support.
I support this so much. The defense they had for removing it was players tried to get silenced because of it showing up on WC. They still ask for it. No change at all. Give us back our giggles!
I don't understand why it's not happening... it was your idea for us to have it for years and we loved it. I don't see the problem here both side seemed to have been in harmony while it was in place
It offers no benefits, other than giving people the chance to laugh at others. That wasn't the intention of it, and so we removed it.
Negative reinforcement is a great way to discourage future violations. I don't know if you have personally been shamed by SkinnyMinny but it can be very effective
@grant u obviously don't know what we want if u did u would stop with all these stupid ass repetitive events like everyone has been saying