The narcissistic twin gods, Aozark of the Sun and Priark of the Moon, demand a monument be built in tribute to their glory! You must now raise a shining tower of stone in their honor...with your bare hands! Favor of the Twins As you complete Epic Battles from now and the end of the event on January 23rd at 12PM PST you'll earn Sun Bricks as well as Moon Bricks. When you collect both of these items they'll form Favor of the Twins which determines your rewards at the end of this part of the event. As you win wars you'll earn completed Favors of the Twins as follows: Team Performance Winning Team: 300 Favors Losing Team: 0 Favors Individual Actions (Based on # of successful Attack or Defence actions) Endecatheon Wartokens During this event you'll also earn Wartokens through your participation in wars. This allows for those players who are dedicated warrers to compete against each other for the special War versions of the Top Tier equipment. Wartokens are awarded as follows: Team Performance Winning Team: 300 Wartokens Losing Team: 0 Wartokens Individual Actions (Based on # of successful Attack or Defence actions) Weekend PvP Blitz During the weekends of the event we'll be hosting PvP Blitz events in addition to the main event. During these Blitz events you'll collect and steal Blood Rubies from players in order to earn Favor of the Twins to help you with your progress in the main event. Every time you collect 500 Blood Rubies they'll be converted into a Lion of Bryntalli which cannot be stolen. Rewards for these PvP Blitz Weekend events are based on the number of Lion of Bryntalli you own. PvP Blitz Opt-In To Opt-In to the event, players will need to cast the Lion's Head Censer spell at the Alchemist. NOTE: Spell will only be available to cast once the weekend event has started. Warning: Opting-in lasts for the ENTIRE DURATION of that specific BLITZ EVENT and there will be no way to opt-out after doing so. Opted in players will: Have their name colored orange to indicate their participation Have a spell indicating their participation on their profile Have their Battle List updated to show only players who have opted-in Bryntalli's Broadswords When you hit another opted-in player there's a chance that the Bryntalli's Broadswords spell is activated. This spell lasts for 24 hours, and has the following properties: Provides you with more plunder when attacking or stealing from opted-in players Allows you to obtain more PVP Collection items when attacking or stealing from opted-in players Provides you with a chance of creating Mithril out of thin air when attacking or stealing from opted-in players Will be visible on your profile as an active spell CAN BE STOLEN when you are attacked or stolen from by opted-in players. If stolen you will lose the spell, and the attacking player will receive it. Duration is not reset when stolen but continues to count down from where it was for the previous owner. Note: You cannot steal another player's spell when you have an active spell yourself. Righteous Pride The Leonine Icon item may be purchased in the Marketplace for 59 Nobility Points and casts this spell on ALL of your current clan members. If you already have the spell active you will not be able to purchase it until the current spell expires. This spell lasts for 1 hour and has the following properties: Provides you with more plunder when attacking or stealing from opted-in players (This is able to stack with the Bryntalli's Broadswords spell) Allows you to earn more PVP Collection Items when attacking or stealing from opted-in players (This is able to stack with the Bryntalli's Broadswords spell) Prevents other players from being able to steal your Bryntalli's Broadswords spell while active Will be visible on your profile as an active spell Celestial Twin Box As you complete Epic Battles you'll occasionally find Celestial Twin Boxes. These rare chests can contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Event Items, Seals of the Damned, and more! You can open these chests in one of two ways. 1) Purchasing a Celestial Twins Key from the Marketplace using Gold. You can purchase ONE of these per day. 2) Purchasing a Gold Celestial Twins Key from the Marketplace using Nobility. There is no limit on the number you may purchase. Equipment Rewards from this event provide you with various Equipment depending on your placement in the event. Over the course of the entire Orisons of Glory series you'll be able to earn multiple pieces of equipment, providing dedicated players with a complete set. You can view the Equipment rewards in the "Preview" tab in the events page Banner Tokens You'll be able to earn the base Event Banner during any chapter of the overall Orisons of Glory event. You'll only ever be able to get ONE base banner, however, you can then upgrade these banners using Holy Champion Token also earned from the event. Rewards + Leaderboards Please see the event page in-game to view event rewards and leaderboards. Weekend PvP Blitz events and Wars both reward players with Mysterious Invitations which count towards your totals in the main event. Competing in Wars will also reward Wartokens, which are needed to compete against other Warring players for Top Tier equipment and rewards. Rewards from the War event WILL STACK with rewards from the other events. Rewards will be made available for you to collect through the events page shortly after the event ends.
Another copy and paste event...thanks for listening to our pleas for something different devs! Thanks for giving us something, but we're thoroughly bored. Mixed feelings here.
Can't you come up with something even just a little bit different? Seriously devs. What you spend your time doing? If I had to guess, you guys don't put in more than a couple hours a week on this game. And that's just for maintenance. Well overdue for significantly new content. Very poor effort devs.
There was a glitch where players got event items from the last war, even though the event hadn't started. The devs are aware of this, and it'll be corrected!
Hi. I am Vik. Please bring back random and advantage individual wars. Yes, I know LL wars are random. Yes, I do them. No, Classic indi wars aren't fun anymore. Please get the variety back. Edit: Grant, I see you online. Atleast let us know if you will ever bring random and advantage individual wars back. Sincerely, Vik.
Please devs, at listen to the LB #13. We know you don't care about us, even players that have sunk ~$400 into the game, but at least listen to LB
Agreed. Where's the initiative? The trial of new ideas at least? The creativity? Surely by now, your CTRL C + V keys have broken. How about a clan based event? Maybe where you can opt in to compete individually or with your clan? You tried something new with the dew event, and although there was a few hiccups along the way, you were still making an attempt at doing something new. Will we ever see that again? Not asking for radical changes or game over hauls but surely you're capable of changing up events? I'd you're unsure, pitch the idea to the community first. Ask for any improvements or changes that could be made. You don't have to take on board every little thing but at least you'd have an idea. Then maybe run the new style for one week and instead of two and see how it goes. Just an idea. As Wide said, we are long overdue for anything new.
You guys really want another edition of OMOTF? That event was awful and you are getting new equip...stop whining about event garbo when we need new war content. Swars are dead we need a new style of those..