Hey Support!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by A-Aztec-Goddess-N, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. I'm still awaiting for a response to my email plz. This event only has a few hours left. I Need help now...thx
  2. Damn keep forgetting can't post that gif :lol:
  3. For support on support not replying to your email, please email support@athinkingape.com. You will be supported in the order that your email is received.
  4. Hi OP, in regards to your issue.

    I understand you're impatient however support do take a while to reply as they have to shift through several emails on a daily basis.

    Please consider this in further dealings.

    Through my own interactions with Support, reponse time was around 12-24hours.

    Regardless, Patience is a virtue.
  5. I don't understand what your asking:(
  6. Support,Great thread best off
  7. I support this forum thread