Castle Level 4 - War Chest

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ShadyMarine, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Support I was thinking of a way to do this, your suggestion is good.
    I was thinking about pimd when I was trying to come up with an idea.
    They have RS there, maybe something to that effect here.
    Exchange ash, aqua, inferno, etc, only certain things certain equipment, but only with one player you selected,
    This a thought adding to your already good idea.
  2. I have not approved any castle upgrades!
  3. Support!!!!! could help a lot of people out and even out the game for new players
  4. Lmfao Swabia. King of castle code. Long live Free Swabia
  5. Support but definitely not 1B for 1m on equip, if I put all my allies into equip, my bfe would be in tens of billions. Imagine those with top BFA, they'd have ridiculous BFE if they converted, and 1B for 1m is a lot better than the ally market at the moment.
  6. Support, but i'd change the name from armoire to Baby Sparkles' Mystic Funbox.
  7. This is why they pay shady the big bucks. Great idea
  8. Support, why aren't more people supporting this?
  9. Support, also how about swapping horns for seals, say 20 horns for 1 seal?