Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TimDaFreak, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Looks like you got a hater Tim . TY wishes he was sexier . Poor TY . 
  2. There is a woman, a woman to pretty
    Vents is her name, forever so witty
    She woke and spoke, with veri her yolk
    She slayed and slashed till zaft was a joke

    Merry Christmas Paige
  3. Stupis, did you mean yoke?

    Or you went all Mensa on us with some sort of breakfast allegory?
  4. To all my haters....I wish you joy this Christmas time, life must suck being that damn ugly and without a dime. Broke as a joke with that face...ewwww I hope we never switch place. You see life is so easy for me. I have money, I'm successful, sexy, and so cute as can be. Girls chase me!!!! While you chase them and they run for their lives like it's a horror movie.
    Freddy Krueger got nothing on you, when it comes to ugly man you got nothing to prove

    So make your comments, try to be witty. As long as your smiling it perfectly fine with me. I wish you health, looks and wealth. Maybe Santa will finally come through this year, if least know TIMDAFREAK will always be here.
  5. I... WAS **** .. Going to support because Tim. But same pic of dude taking shirt off on every page. Where the ladies at? :)
  6. Is this a thread about zaft? Or Christmas ?
    Or shirtless dudes? Lol
  7. Illustration to follow what Tim just said.

  8. U tricked us Tim. U owe us a poem :D.
    Also that pic did not help @ashy. Lol. I don't think they have matured yet.
  9. What on earth ️
  10. Tim makes me moister then an oyster
  11. Im suing you for copyright infractions;
    your so called wealth will only be a fraction.
    Paige was and is the the best of them all
    Not tall,rather small but better than yall

    Give me that wealth, Give me that health
    The life, your wife,shattered by knife
    The knife of Paige, the one betrayed
    By Tiny Tim and his shrimp Mascarade

    Alas it is done, Tim has not won
    Paige's won, no more need be done

    Ripperoni Tim. Merry Christmas Paige
  12. I have never wanted to be an elf...until now <3
  14. Wow good job
  15. This is a pretty nice poem
  16. Tim do u know mma bro?
  17. @grymlyn Tim studied the ancient art of fullofitfu. He is a 7th Don in eatthisfist and has recently mastered the technique of tongue kissing the canvas.