Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TimDaFreak, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. It's the season of joy, I wrote a little poem that hopefully will put smile on your faces. Your welcome in advance!!!!

    Another year passed, another year ZAFT got bashed and trashed, but tis the season so let's be joyful and make sure we show love and not be hateful. Put our differences aside and agree on one thing, that TIMDAFREAK is the greatest human being.

    It's NOT a kids game so let me speak some truth, Santa is not coming this year, he is pissed at the way HARB has been acting this year. He is pissed, mad, angry, and sad......lumps of coal is all we get because ZAFT has been so bad.

    But the savior is here....little zafties and kaw losers do not fear. For TIMDAFREAK will bring joy back into the season, my awesomeness and sexiness will be the reason.

    You see I am king over all midgets in the world and that's a true story, but guess what? Elves fall in my midget category. And despite what you might have read, the elves run the North Pole, they are the ones who keep that fat Santa fed. So basically I run Christmas, daddy is here, seals and noobs is what your KAW losers will get this year.

    A simple thank you is all I ask, with your dedication, service, and loyalty and willingness to do any task.

    So yes TIMDAFREAK has saved Christmas, I corrected ZAFT's wrong, brought joy to KAW no thanks to HARB that ding dong.

    I know what you all are thinking....TIMDAFREAK is so awesome, amazing, sexy.....basically your jaws are dropped and thinking just WOW o WOW. Well It's Christmas have no fear ZAFT and KAW for I am your Commander NOW!!!!!

  2. TimDaFreak, what will I get for Christmas?
  3. I am a Tim fangirl for reals
  4. What she said
  5. I'd **** that shirt so hard
  6. Nice black T shirts are hard to come by
  7. They use my body as stunt double, photo shop is crazy now days........damn I am sexy I would do myself
  8. Same
  9. I got pm's complaining that..

    The gifs too fast..
  10. There! I slowed it down..

    All the ladies (and Tim) were complaining that the gif's "too fast"..

    Ps: Tim does have abs like that.. a bit hairier.. that's what Crystalee told me once.
  11. Is this a poem or a crappy short story??

    This reads horribly

    Get out
  12. Not sure if spam, troll, or just stupid randomness.... :?
  13. You're*

    Merry Christmas.
  14. Zaft noob Alts to HARBS rescue. Don't worry I got your backs too........not your fault you don't have my DNA
  15. Lmao. Merry Christmas and thanks Timmy
  16. Mele Kalikimaka Tim