Festival of the Ring-Giver

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. Why do you bother playing when everything on this game bothers/upsets you?
  2. No tokens to upgrade banner?
  3. Complains about complaining
  4. Why not just continue the orisons of glory.... why devs...
  5. Im slightly confused about this weekend.

    I noticed that altars of brands and circles are available to purchase, yet i see no zta.
  6. A month of no damned Item hunting. Now that would a REAL event that many of us would LOVE to see.
  7. Don't complaint about free silver bars you gonna get.
  8. How do we know which ebs drop which item, yeah I know people will probably say just by doing ebs but what if we do 3/4 different ebs that all give same item
  9. A thread by choclat3 (I think) is usually made with all the drops. But also you can just try until you find two and do those b2b
  10. sorry if already asked....are we going to get war tokens for war # 3 today??!??!??!??!
  11. No banner tokens?
  12. Ok thank you for help 
  13. Once blaze undying is max enchanted can we trade ash for something else?? Inf/aqu/xtal/mith/horn fragments.... something anything???!
  14. Goth eb is not dropping event items. Our clan just finished nobody got any event items.
  15. Zoma doesn't give event drops??!!! wth. Our clan just finished Zoma and there were no event items given
  16. Lame...should have had the boxes with 500%..that was the best event!
  17. Why is there no drops for Zoma this event?
  18. Why does it cost 25 nob to open a Warlords Chest that freely drops from an EB??? What the heck devs?
  19. Still no preview tab. I'd like to see if it's worth it.
  20. I wanna do this any clan doing it wall me