unlimited wall posts

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TERRA, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Honestly,this would be nice! Christmas is right around the corner ya know.
  2. Support I often want to post on my wall more than I can fit
  3. Mad support & supper for this.
  4. Holy cow. I have 7 years of lolz I'd love to read. Yes. Please make it so.
  5. suppor all the way. i would love to go down that road.

    there is just so much greatness on old walls that is going unappreciated.
  6. Support. You can see more on pc so why not phone? And also, I think they should all have the date on and not just 'long ago'
  7. Makes sense. Support. Lol wolfie
  8. Support