The Revolution Has Come

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheKnightOfDucks, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. I, TheKnightOfDucks, an alternate account for a formerly very active player, WS silenced for claiming TRUMP IS LOVE TRUMP IS [LIFE was unable to be posted because I was silenced for my other posts]. This is redo lupus. This would have never happened on this game three years ago.

    As PIMD has improved, KAW has fallen apart.

    Therefore I propose the following Declaration.

    WE THE PLAYERS of Kingdoms at War hereby revolt against the tyranny of the Moderators in order to restore Liberty, fun, and productivity to Kingdoms at War. We will troll, farm, strip, fight, and defeat the Tyrants and their Servants.
    We will plead with A Thinking Ape, Inc., to restore liberty to this game.
    We will establish a Revolutionary Council. The Revolutionary Council will propose a list of new Moderators and new Regulations for their actions. The Revolutionary Council will draft new rules for the Players.
    The Revolutionary Council shall raise a Grand Army of Revolutionary Clans. This Army shall assist in the Revolution.
    Large Clans that fight for our Revolution shall be represented in the Revolutionary Council.
    A Supreme Leader shall be selected to lead this Revolution. The Supreme Leader shall represent the Revolutionary Council during negotiations with the Tyrants or with the glorious people at A Thinking Ape, Inc.
    The Supreme Leader shall be a Moderator after the Revolution is successfully completed.

    x. The Confederated Players Acting in Revolution Against Tyranny and Stupidity and Evil (CPAiRATaSaE)
  2. As Supreme Leader pro tempore, I will be accepting applications for the Revolutionary Council.

  3. Revolutionary Decree No. One

    The Revolutionary Council, once in session, shall select a permanent Supreme Leader.

    The Revolutionary Council shall have full authority in directing the Revolution.
  4. Revolutionary Decree No. Two

    This Revolution is to be regarded as the successor to the Revolution and Empire of HRHCharlesIIIvonAmerica, a player from a long time ago.

    We are attempting to restore the Charlite Revolution and its Principles.
  5. You are almost three years to late, you missed the boat. Revolution has already started!
  6. No. This Revolution is the Revoluton advocating Liberty and Charlesism, not your faux rebellion.
  7. Revolutionary Decree No. Three

    Cannabis, TheKnightOfDucks, and MrX are hereby appointed to the Revolutionary Council.
  8. I hereby join the revolution
  9. I'll be awaiting your revolution :)
  10. Last time a group of people revolted it was to keep slaves. They lost. You revolting cause you don't like rules is just sad. You'll without a doubt lose
  11. I volunteer Kezzer as tribute to the council :cool:
  12. Not even worth popping pop corn to watch.

    Want change, stop hitting EBs and start hitting Battle List
  13. Sounds like a 6-year old kid
  14. And the trick has been discovered! You can rant about your silence in forums. You just have to do it in a well thought out, and forumly way.
  15. Seems legit
  16. Really? The Civil War is the last time a group of people revolted? Read a history book or a newspaper sometime.
  17. The revolution be careful
  18. Look what happened to those people on Alderaan. Be careful of your revolution folks.