The cloaked figures gathered at the dying embers of a fire. Shrouded in darkness they looked at each other with the weariness they all felt. They wrapped their cloaks around themselves and they turned to the leader of the group. The Orchestrator of their tiredness. The Creator of their misery. The One that made it all begin. One of the gathered whispers "What have you done?" The Creator smiled. He showed off his gnarled face. His blue magical eye which twitched. His Staff of Silencing held aloft he exclaimed. I have made Kaw Great Again! Introducing: [title2]THE GRAND TOURNAMENT[/title2] This is a 24 hour PVP mayhem event. All players will be set at 0 gold. Their pots will be completely frozen, unusable and left to gather dust. The timer begins. The goal? Achieve the greatest amount of gold out for your size bracket. Size brackets tbd by developers but could work on a range such as below; "All Lands Bought, All Buildings Fully Upgraded" "All Lands Bought, 75% to 99% buildings upgraded" etc Rules: * One crystal allowed to be used per hour. * You can only attack players that are currently online (attacking offline players will be met with a dialogue box stating "Player is Offline, Try again later." * You can only hit a player a maximum of 30 times attack or spy actions. One scout uses one of your 30. Rewards: There will be a #1 slot for each bracket for the player with the most gold out. Top 10 players Top 50 players Top 100 players Top 500 players The rewards could be equipment based but actually I would prefer a straight up premium rewards event. Nobility points, crystals and silver bars should be the only rewards. The achievement should have a % increase in PVP stats/gold produced too. What happens after the 24 hours? Everything reverts to before. Complete access to pots/items, epic battles are startable again and gold is returned you. The Creator turns and looks at the bleak landscape of his war-destroyed community and mutters "Only 23 more hours to go."
No support needs more todd In all seriousness this is an interesting concept. The main issue I have is when you add in tiers you put specific players at an advantage or a disadvantage. Some players are going to be put in the top of their bracket meaning they are at an advantage over those in their bracket weaker than them. Some players will be at the bottom of their bracket meaning they have a disadvantage over the other players in the same bracket. Personally I would keep everything the same about this event but I would make it a lowland only event. All players use their lowlands as their build which means players can not only easily change it up to make it suitable for how they want to play the event but it also means all players in kaw will be at a level playing field. No need for brackets this way.
Would be amazing! But I'd like to have some sort of optional hourly cost of gold (with a 1 hour minimum) for that offline protection. Something relatively expensive for each tier
I still don't see how having a spy build would be a problem. You have freedom to build whatever buildings you like and each one has advantages just as disadvantages. If you don't make your kingdom with PvP in mind then you have no right to complain about poor performance in a PvP event :roll:
There's a difference between PvP and just making a lot of gold in PvP, you should know how it works with your build. Your role in a war is different than an attack heavy kingdom. I think the problem comes along with the actions per target limit. But I can definitely see the difference in a clan war that have people with different roles, and a massive FFA war.
Point taken. Skill and effort would come into play and I'm sure there would be plenty of different builds for each other build to feed on
Possible exploit: Every player makes an alt, and a clan just rotates which alt they hit so they avoid the cap on the actions per person. Otherwise, decent idea.
Create a pool of gold and split it up among #X participants. Players then att/steal this gold adding to their own. The larger the pot you have, the more of a target you are.
It definitely would be an issue. They could make the brackets based on build to be more fair, and this could still be with CS tiers as well. Three different brackets 1. >75% attack 2. >25% attack and >25% spy 3. >75% spy Towers could either be counted or not, wouldn't really matter that much, and these brackets could be divided more based on cs. For those who think that having all builds in a single bracket wouldn't be a disadvantage to hansels, think about how hansels are less likely to get a lot of successful attacks, which is how you get the plunder bonus from allies. Steals wouldn't be nearly as effective, hence making hansels much less effective if this event.