Event time

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Duchess_Akiva, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. But longer time for event two weeks isnt enough for some people they need More time to reache there goals
  2. Also; Set a smaller goal?
  3. No support 2 weeks is plenty
  4. I couldn't imagine doing an event for longer than two weeks. How about a longer break between events?
  5. support people should be able to pick how long they Want their evente.
  6. Support
  7. And pick their rewards so I can get top10 everytime for my one day of "trying" and getting rewards. Maybe devs should just unlock Air lands all 25 for everyone and give them lvl 10 buildings.
  8. Or lvl 20.
  9. Heck why don't we just let them collect KaWSecurity checks. While the hardworking ebers, and pvpers pay taxes so they get their free share of the pie
  10. What are the air lands?
  11. Whye alle thee additionale lettere 'e's? Someone maketh the auto-correcte to Ye Olde English?