Biggest eb warriors?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by andy4271, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. So I'm gonna quit the game again because it's boring, but occasionally I'm gonna come on and unload on a random, who will this have the best effect on? Comment your ideas and WHY below!
  2. lol I'll find someone from your clan
  3. That you can hit?

    Probably no one that's active
  4. "Eb warrior".

    Quite the oxymoron you have there.
  5. get big enough to get thru some big guns noup

  6. I just pinned 3 hansels from skinnyminnys clan?
  7. So if I call someone an internet warrior that's an oxymoron too?
  8. SR-KillerCapone and EB-Lord both cry so badly when hit ! it takes a lot of hitting them before they retaliate back.Mostly they continue with what they were doing and can't be prised away from the e.b.
  9. I volunteer myself as tribute
  11. seriously Andy you couldn't unload a 8==✊=D
  12. I hear masterchifchaf is a massive EB warrior. He spends most of his game time smacking skeletons