Compensation For War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KKSKK, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. Compensate deez nutz little boy
  2. mith is probably the second most free currency in the game
    rip english
  3. The lag was from an influx of tap taps, gold and oracle visits

  4. Both teams would've experienced the same lag, git gud op

  5. What's with all the stupid people saying " both teams experienced the same lag derp".. Not both teams were performing the same actions when lag occurred lol morons.
  6. Almost felt like an ultimatum when i read it :lol: :lol: :lol:

    If your team got ko'ed and not their's means you guys were just not good enough lol
    Gotta be fast like DK xD
    Lag affects everyone , so stop making excuses and make gold till you have time :roll: :lol:
  7. it wasn't an average lag everytime we tried to do an action they got a note that said "Invalid request"
  8. therefore the other team got the same problem, therefore it's even, therefore get gud
  9. This doesn't even make sense, do you even English?
  10. That thing has happened quite a few times in the last 5 years during wars lol
    you were lucky you dint get thrown out of the game atleast :lol:
  11. The massive lagging during war events lie on ATA "rental" server which is can't handle massive inc data.if u thinking if your internet problem cause it,its not.

    last events was a proof that ATA "rental" server can't handle multiple task at once.solution to this,ATA must use a better server or super server that can handle trillion inc data and multiple task.