Cyber Monday Deals

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. Zta isn't a hard eb to hit. Problem would have been both offered a increase in plunder. Why waste on a seal when a better premium battle is being offered? Yeah a few people would have stocked seals but more then half would have just ran Zta.

    They gave everyone half priced seals, they brought back the optional bar (better late than never). Brought the build change back, & offered Half priced Zta instead of just ending it Bf. You just can't please everyone.
  2. 50% build refunds n support from me granted it good but still lose mega ammou.t of money i feel like 190% would be a great one for this year lasst one was around 5 ish years ago when the tower system wad put in and i think every 5 years is. good idea
  3. Read Optimals post.

    A massive amount of players would have spent money on seals. Just to be told 72 hrs later, in the same event that there is something else they'll release that's better value for their money.

    Like I said, the event is great. The half price ZTA though, just feels like a kick in the guts.

    If they were two seperate events, nobody could say anything really. In the same event though?

    I'm grateful for it. But it would have been even better for mid-smaller sized clans for the whole event. To have a half price ZTA for 3-4 days where everyone can contribute a circle or two would have helped growth a lot. Not to say HTE didn't, but ZTA even more so.
  4. Lmao. Are you high?
  5. @Ruggy

    I do agree with you there, I'm not arguing that Half priced Zta would have been great Friday. Just seriously tired of players whining about it. I also agree it's definitely a low blow, but as someone stated in a different thread they could have doubled price & lowered pay (severely dramatic lol). Instead of 90% of players here being happy they finally offered a deal on Zta, there crying badly.

    *Side note* not a personal attack on you, your thoughts have been better written then alot of the complaints, Optimals as well.

    Also, I'm not optimistic lol. I don't see a half full or empty glass. I see it of half a glass of a defined or undefined substance. I'm just realistic about everything.
  6. How about u fix the lag monkeys
  7. They're great deals, honestly. It's just frustrating to think how much more my clan could have benefited from half price ZTA.

    We've ran virtually B2B HTE with ZTA this whole event anyway but even more ZTA would have been beneficial. Bridging the gap between AFF and ASoF is a difficult for most clans, especially when events are giving players cause to leave. Any opportunity to get a lot of gold to grow is great for us. And we certainly have benefited this weekend.

    It just would have been nice to benefit even more so with the extra ZTA and get us growing even more. These sales don't come around often.

    Nonetheless, it was good. Just a little disappointed to see this released today.

    Perhaps if KaW is still here this time next year, they'll take this into consideration. :grin:
  8. damn b
  9. It's like they knew what we were gonna say... ?
  10. I understand building refund and all that promo...but what about 50% on building purchases ?

  11. This. Its why i keep checking kaw forums. Gold.
  12. when the Devs pull you in after trying not to spend money
  13. The reason they did it this late is because
    1) Cyber Monday
    2) Giving a better deal later into an event will make people drop more money. Had they announced this earlier people would only spend on the sales, but since it's this late people are prone to spend even more.
  14. Exactly. People complaining about no cobalt boxes, I'm guessing the Devs thought we would be farther by now and reach a tier that they were planning on giving out cobalt boxes
  15. Nice choice live with it whiner lol
    Nothing satisfies the likes of ppl like u
  16. Yo mad BRO!!!!!
  17. 50% off Osmon Rai..hmm..
    Yea, I don't think that'll settle well with a lot of peeps XD
  18. Why would you say on Friday there will be no build refund now after people changed on Friday you do it on monday!?