PvP spell

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Secariusx, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. How does this spell "increase my power"?

    A: it doesn't.

    I'm tired of misclicking the @#!? Spell. It shouldn't be at the top...since there is still no confirmation for this PvP spell..
    Move it down next to WoC under the "special ability spells".
  2. Been requested for a few years now. They refuse to change it. A simple fix to accidental opt-ins and they won't do it just because.

    Support as usual
  3. Simple resolution don't be in such a hurry.

    Harder solution ... cast the 6 mith attack one first so it makes the "similar spells are active, would you like to activate" message be prompted
  4. I've asked for this in several different ways. I haven't seen anyone mention it this way before and it makes the most since.

    It's hard not to be "in a hurry" when you have a couple tril out from zta and your getting inc or sometimes if your late to war etc. There are lots of reasons to be in a hurry at the alchemist so go find a reason to not support someone else's thread 

    EDIT: And it really doesn't help that the list refreshes to the top each time you cast a spell.
  5. Don't understand how any spell stops inc. and why would you be late for war, sounds like you brought it on yourself.