How should a mod act?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SecretKiller, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. -Mei- is Actually very helpful, one of the most helpful players in the game.

    She's also super smart and super funny.
  2. Why should they not interact as players? The only thing they're doing is following a set of guidelines approved by the game developers.
  3. Didn't read most of the thread and replies, just going to give my thoughts: mods have no obligation other than to hold others to the standards set by the tou.
  4. This
  5. Maybe you misunderstood. They should definitely interact as normal players and have fun. But the guidelines that they are left to "Interpret" are B.S. No one knows what is safe anymore because almost anything that is seen as even slightly offensive is a target. In my own experience, I've been silenced multiple times by over zealous mods just to have support over rule them a few hours later. Anytime I have to use support is an unwelcome inconvenience.
  6. I find it funny that so many people get silenced. It's not that hard to abide the TOU
  7. I remember seeing you alot in forums when I first started playing, Xilver, it was a lot harder to get silenced then than it is now.
  8. Corinthian used to silence based on actions in cc...just what I heard, but it's never been hard to get silenced if you don't follow ToU
  9. This is set up to the community standards, almost everyone has this standard a mod has to uphold but that's not the case. Yes mods have to be helpful and I guess kind to players, but they're also players themselves. They can have banter, allowed to say something that may seem "questionable" just because they're held to a standard by the community. I'm pretty sure if a normal player told you something along the lines that Mei said, you wouldn't have made a whole thread about it
  10. If yo a mod.. then you got to much free time k. Think about how much energy you could be using to do so much more in real life.
  11. Millenials everywhere suck it up buttercup this is war game. Mods are players too. If u cant handle being clowned by mod or anyone for that matter just delete app.
    Mods volunteer they time, they arent paid. I hope whatever mod hurt your feelings did a dance after seeing this thread. I personally think mods should be able to do or say whatever they want just like any other player as long as in abides tou.
    If they was paid to be professional and be nice to crybabies like u then sure i could understand.
    I think you would enjoy talking tom, should try it out
  12. They don't necessarily have to be helpful or kind. If they are, it's their choice.
  13. So what is the job of a moderator exactly in your guys eyes?
  14. No more energy than it takes you to log in and play, or perhaps post a reply on a thread in the forum. I suppose the same thing can be said about you or anyone else playing the game. We aren't obligated to spend every waking free minute here.
  15. Awww did someone get their feelings hurt? From what I saw nothing "dissrespectful" was said. Looks like wittle baby needs a nap 
  16. I'm actually pretty decent friends with Mei and if it takes insulting people for you to feel like a man then go back to your Prius and get off your iPhone

    Please don't derail the thread again.
  17. THIS IS NOT A BASH ON MODS THREAD. I just want to know your guys opinion. Should mods be expected to be friendly and respectful to all kaw members?

    UPDATE: After some great discussion I would like to change focus to this question;What is the job of a moderator?[/quote]
  18. They're slaves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. That's was the original question. Again, to moderate. They aren't required to do anything but make sure people understand and follow the tou, or are punished for breaking it.
  20. True. Btw I don't know why that posted. Must been a glitch. If a mod did not follow the rules what should happen?