
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Persistence, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. I need ideas On How Attack should work
    1. In pvp what u want to see i dont think just making enemy lose his army bar and gold is enough not a new loot but a new attack like attacking his castle with all of your army ? Or ... u fill
    2 attacking pve (epic battles) same here not just increasing gold and decreasing army maybe do it a clan vs eb (Put All Clan Army and attack with it in waves ? More players get on sign up his troops to attack and the warload or warcheif unload the clan troops? Or ....?
    Any suggestion can help i dont want to see support or no support please post your ideas anything you have in mind would be great and thank you :)
  2. This needs punctuation. It hurts my brain
  3. Why we gotta attack everything? Right, let's just hold hands K. And then go get sandwiches!
  4. You missed a period at the end of that last sentence. ...js 
  5. Get some soup too ️
  6. No support. Seems to be a low effort thread and can't figure out how some of the things would work. Overall, yes, they should do something different then just tapping a button repeatedly but I'm not sure this is the correct direction to go in.