My weirdest dream ever

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Yamashita, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. Hi guys, long time no see :p
    So today , I mean when I was sleeping I had a dream. It is very terrifying n I hope it will not be a reality.
    The dream begin with my elder sister just got back from her boarding school, but my family broke atm ( I don't know how we out of money) so she start screaming n crying craving for pizza. So suddenly, I cut one of my finger ( the finger is at left of the smallest finger n at my right hand.) and sell my finger to my mother (??? Why I sell to her? ) then she gives me pizza n few dollars. After a few while I feel terrible n cried in the dream. Then I woke up n thank to god I still have my finger... if I lost my finger I cannot play any computer games anymore n it may be hard to write or do anything..

    There is 1001 lessons that can be obtained from my dream today such as appreciating all the things that the god give to us perfectly.
    So what is your weirdest dream or terrifying dream that u hope will not be in reality?

    Peace be upon you,
  2. Which finger? Only really need one to respond to this post.. (Insert thumbs up emoji)
  3. Ask DrPinky what finger is that one
  4. Sorry mate, I just ask Mr.Google for answer, he says it is ring finger
  5. All I got out this was you need some better schooling on how to write a coherent story.

  6. My assumption is that English is not their native language.

    Either way, that is indeed a weird dream. I wonder if it means something? Some people say your dreams can be broken down to mean something that happened in your life.
  7. I had an absolutely terrifying dream you made another thread
  8. What on earth 
  9. I had a really weird dream last night I was just telling my clannies about, I went through a portal that could only be found by going to a closet room only accessible by this attic, when I got there I beat up and hung a guy in the bathroom, went to a mall talked to some pretty women in what seemed to be a workout themed store, then proceeded to tell other people alternate universes exist because I was from one myself and they were all really excited. That was only one part of the dream there was a lot more to it. 
  10. i had a dream i made silph reset
  11. Technically the story is logical and consistent in a sense being it's all about his dream and everything is logical in a dream until you wake up. So it is coherent.
  12. Naked milf in my arms :)
  13. Y'all got trolled to pieces
  14. As far as dreams go, this isn't too weird to be honest lol still rather random doe
  15. I've read up on dreams and, dreams are the brains way of (for lack of a better term) cleaning your (RAM). You dream cause your brain needs to get rid of all the crap u see every day. And the reason the dreams can get so wierd that we don't know where they came from, u need to realize ur brain stores everything you see/experience daily or longer, including the stuff u don't know u see, the background or. Peripheral stuff ur brain automatically ignores for ur primal survival.
    So dreams are the way your brain moves stuff from RAM (short term memory) to your Hard Drive (long term memory)
  16. I like Spaceships!!! ....WEEEEEE!!!

  17. The dreams I do remember are always off the wall weird, I'm glad I don't remember em very often. I used to have a reoccurring dream when I was younger of being in the car with my mother on the way to my grandmothers house. As we got close to the house I would reach across my mom and open her door and push her out of the car. Weird cuz at the time we got along I believe. Into my early teen years we began to not see eye to eye so much, you could say. Typical teenage stuff probably but to this day we're not close at all
  18. When you wake up laughing from the most terrifying dream ever! You know you have made it.
  19. Yes! This is so true!!!
  20. Do you speak 2 languages fluently?