Quitting KaW

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Jackson, Nov 22, 2016.

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  1. Hi, I'm R__i and I like to call people out when they make attention seeking threads in the forums. Ones where you say you're leaving thank your frands and clans. Then come back a week after! It triggers me so much! However, if I knew what hypocritical meant I would shut mah mouth because I did the exact same omg!!! Anyways, I would just like to thank _on_ for inspiring this story.

    #lulbanter #itwhoshaltnotbenamed #truestory #aboutaweekago

    Petition for the deleting of it:

  2. Most pointless thread ever?
  3. I support this thread more than Muslims supported 9/11 in Chicago.
    #True Story
    #Biased Media not reporting the truth
    #Listen to your DJ Trump for 8/8 truths
  4. You're quite new so I doubt you know what I mean kthnxbai
  5. #CNNFtw #uncorrupt #bushdid911
  6. #Support
  7. #RoniCausedBenghazi
  8. Support.
    Build the wall
  9. Support for putting Hillary in jail
  10. We're gonna build a wall around the forest of elrengoth. And make sure no illegal myrmidons are ever put in our ebs ever again. And lastly were gonna grab her by the labyrinth.Make KAW great again
  11. No support. Forums are boring. I only get some enjoyment out of her threads
  12. You sir, are the trump of KaW *moonface*
  13. Added to the list of supporters. Thanks.
  14. 
  15. get it right moron I came back 3 weeks later .I moved house in real life so had lots to do so couldn't keep up with playing kaw while doing that.I came back to hit someone .Then I hit you also for being a moron .Jackson ;pipe bomb ,devastation /vex/babycakez(legendaryJoe) you are one big weirdo .And just jealous that I had a thread written with people supporting me.Lol HaHa what a small little man you are that you all beat up inside that you had to read all that sweet praise towards me and it was all for me and not you !! Work on your self and maybe one day you'll make the same impact.
  16. and by the way Marianaonmymeatballs last year begged me to join his new clan saying he needs people like me !!
  17. #Coolstorybrahnahnotreally
  18. kthnx
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