Thanksgiving Mods

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by _ZE_FireKTN_MP_, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. Despite the rumor that mods have no life and the fact a lot of people don't like them, they're still sorta helpful to the community. (some obviously more than others) Despite this some really are really cool people that actually enjoy helping others to the best of their abilities. Thanksgiving holidays is a time to give thanks (and to get fat off stuffing) so which mods are you thankful to?
  2. I reject your false thanksgiving!
  3. Wulf, for making guides.
  4. Melissa and benny for being chill
  5. I give my thanks to Benny and Meisha from back in the day. They were the only ones that ever spoke with me with also giving me advise and help.

    I will thank the current mod squad as they are an awesome bunch to work along the sides of.

    Also I will thank the players of kaw, for being here still for you old school tappers, and the new for being a part of the community.

    With that now I need to go find a turkey, all that celebrate having a happy and safe holiday this year.
  6. You're Canadian?
  7. He's not American
  8. Certain I told you this years ago, but it was years ago so understandable you may not remember.

    But yea I'm Canadian.

    Fun Fact:the first Thanksgiving took place in what would be called Canada around a hundred years before the American one.

    *enter the more you know star here*
  9. I'd trade thanksgiving for an extra Christmas tbh
  10. America marketed it better
  11. Isn't that odd. We can say years ago now. Still can't believe I started this 7 years ago.
  12. I'm thankful that the developers haven't given up on this game like they did Future Combat RIP FC
  13. Thanksgiving as we know it is actually a replicated holiday that has been celebrated for thousands of years by many different peoples.
  14. I'd like to thank, me




    and Serpent
  15. Thankful for slayerbob for coming out of retirement.
  16. Mmmmm genocide.
  17. Well, without the help of the aboriginal north Americans, European settlers would have likely died to the bitter cold and "infertile" land. I think Thanksgiving should focus on the creation of harmonious living rather than the eventual mistreatment and attempted assimilation/annihilation.
  18. That would be nice if it ever truly happened in human society.

    Because it hasn't stopped to this day, there are many disputes still going on.