Is it only me but every single EB I do I get a box I have opened soooooooooo many please tell me I'm not the only one
The EBs your clan is doing have high box drop rates. Also, please keep questions like this on the questions thread, this sort of topic doesnt spark enough of a discussion for it to have its own thread.
I know hte does but I'm always getting one each time and before I join my last clan was running b2b origins and destroyer I still was getting them each time its kinda annoying cause I've yet to get xtals or sod
At least it's a good thing that you got a lot of Starfather Boxes! Just in case you need to open them later on! Better than not getting one, I'm sure many would agree with that!
i been doing ZTa/HTE/random and only gotten 3 boxes All event... Is it luck or Build type related? Not even ee5 helps and it says gives 50% more drop rate
EE is better drop rate for things like equipment, aqua, and inferno. Not sure if it has an affect on box drops.
I have gone days without a box drop to open. Do you hear me whining in forums about it? No you over compensated nub loser. Get real. Life is not fair. Bet you one of those ppl that needed a cry room when Hillary lost the election. What is this world coming to? All I see is whiners and complainers in forums these days. Grow up ppl. Damn