New Potions are Here!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. Four new potions have made their way to the store to provide you with new power and strategy in your battles!

    Dragon's Breath
    Attack: 108,000,000
    Cost: 50,000,000 Gold

    Smog Screen
    Spy Attack: 80,000,000
    Cost: 50,000,000 Gold

    Shrieking Portal
    Defense: 60,000,000
    Cost: 9,000,000 Gold

    Spy Defense: 50,000,000
    Cost: 11,000,000 Gold
  2. Yay!! -_-
  3. Sweet. Already bought mine :)
  4. Black Friday key?
  5. Black Friday promo coming up I would guess they soon removed them again
  6. Restarted app and they weren't in marketplace anymore
  7. More pot! yay :D
  8. Awesome :D Looks good.
  9. meh ill take new content
  10. Yeah... you had to release them when the lb people was over 1bcs. I hate you devs, I would've loved these pots a year ago.
  11. I'm sorry... but what new strategy does this implement?
  12. Can you make the pots drop from a high tier EB? like ASOF or LOTL or other higher LOTL eb
  13. Gold sink
  14. Ain't really a gold sink when I can buy 2k of each in a days work of semi-smacking the EB.

    Plus, these are recycled pots. They've been out before, they just reintroduced them, I think.
  15. This is correct. They "Released" as abysmal came out then was decidedly "To strong" now re-released again as Air lands go to lv20
  16. lol remember last time they came out with new potions they instantly take them back.
  17. Kinda cool, but still not enough to make pot burning worthwhile.

    Total cost for all atk/spy def pots goes from 22M/24M to 31M/35M. This means with my daily earnings rate I could afford to lose 3,500 OF BOTH types every day.

    It would take 9 people attacking / assassinating all day long to log this many hits (assuming no crystals). Not gonna happen.