[UPCOMING] Scheduled Maintenance - 12AM PST Tonight

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. We will be performing server maintenance tonight beginning at 12:00AM PST.

    This maintenance is expected to last for approximately 30 minutes, during which time the game will be unavailable.

    During this maintenance we will be implementing hardware upgrades to increase the overall performance of all ATA games.

    Scheduled Maintenance
    Pacific Time
    November 13th, 2016
    12:00AM - 12:30AM

    Eastern Time
    November 13th, 2016
    3:00AM - 3:30AM

    Greenwich Time
    November 13th, 2016
    8:00AM - 8:30AM
  2. Nooooooooooo. 30 minutes?!?!
  3. Got it, Developers! 30 minutes is no issue! :D
  4. Is this to upgrade the servers in order to handle making me mod
  5. How will I ever survive?
  6. Devs this won't work, you know the next war ends at 3:00-3:15 AM EST. so it will screw with wars.
  7. Finally something promising
  8. No free XTAL? I want my money back
  9. Re: [UPCOMING] Scheduled Maintenance - 12AM PST Tonig

    No support you nub. Get over it. Better yet, if you think it's so bad, don't war. Simple solution. Can't say they didn't give you a good heads up.
    You're welcome.
  10. Yes Terra who came back recent from inactive. This upgrade was tailored just for you on that aspect.
    Your welcomeî„…
  11. Oh good! Maybe no more 5 minute load times
  12. Why do you guys never include times in Australasia or Asia. Hello we are here. To hard to work out maybe???
  13. You were late.
  14. New version of game released offering 5 free crystals when you download. Downloaded game and guess what, yeah that's right, no free crystals
  15. Hey there, took a look at your account and you did indeed get the 5 Xtals for using the latest version of the app, however there was a bug where some players may have gotten the message before they updated to the latest version.
  16. Can you email me showing this cause I keep getting message and not seeing the crystals
  17. You already have the xtals ^
  18. That's never been an issue for me. Maybe you should look into your service provider.