IS Kingdoms At War Dying?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Erick, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. At the time I'm posting this thread when you go to active topics the last thread you can see if from November 6th, this got me to thinking where have I seen this happen? And the answer is that it never happened in KaW but it did happen in Future combat and gangs at war. Recently the developers have made some decisions that were unpopular with the community

    Could those decisions be the reason why it seems forums are dying? And if so, how much time does this game we love have left?
  2. Ive said this before. I'll say it again.

    There are no new players joining the ranks of kaw.

    We are it now. Just us.

    Nobody is downloading and investing time and money in a 6 year old text based app.

    Nobody new is taking the time to even try to intellectualise and understand even the simplest of concepts like bonus from allies.

    The developers have learned well from future combat and gangs at war, what is required to keep the flow of real dollars coming in.

    The developers are catering only to the top echelon of paying customers, not streamlining the game for a future generation of new kaw players.

    How do you even begin to teach someone about the use of potions, allies, ee wars, epic battles etc, coupled with an endless amount of pictures of equipment with stats and numbers that would make no sense to the uninitiated.

    Enjoy the time we all have left.

    Most of us would all have noticed that pretty much it's same people in world chat, forums etc.

    Thank the leaderboard for keeping it all going. When they drop off, so to will kingdoms at war.

    The players that make small micro transactions are not the bread and butter. The whales are.

    Kaw is not dying. Kaw is just running its natural course. This game has been an immense success lasting 6 years. It won't last forever.

    Nothing lasts forever.
  3. That's why we need to spread KaW and get some new players!!
  4. When you read Alison's post above.. please play whale sounds  in your head.. trust me on this..
  5. I've been seeing these threads for 6 years. So to answer your question.


    Edit: yes wc is slower but there are a lot more silence rules; forums are slower cuz all the post farmers and necro bumpers have been banned; and the "new" player base has dropped because you can't reset alts on people anymore. New people are still playing just actual players and not alts.
    Also it's the player bases fault that game is starting to decline. No clan loyalty- less people play. And don't blame premium ebs. If people play for the clan and not there own gain they wouldn't clan hop. I never leave my clan even tho I spend enough to go sit in top tier clans and drop 7-10 seals a week. Instead I do that at home with benefit to my clan where I don't get b2b HTE but a clan of friends to play with that don't rotate out every hour or when there "pass" expires.
  6. Entropy.

    Aside from that, this is an early iPhone game that's been out 7 years. Enjoy things, and preach not the end is near. The end is always relative.
  7. Ay tony, im starvin' 'ere
  8. As soon as humans are born, we start dying.
  9. ️
  10. :D
  12. youre like that talos guy from skyrim.
  13. You mean that dude in whiterun lol 
  14. Call this thread......

    GroundHog Day
  15. Yes.. Rapidly
  16. Resilient lady ash. Always riding on the back of someone else's post or thread.

    To stupid to have an original thought of his own.
    And lady ash is a he. That was discovered quite while ago on a third party app.

    Lady ash . More like lady trash.
  17. Eerrrr... Isn't that what you did?? Lmao
  18. Skinny sounding more like Roni everyday
  19. Literally, all six years I've played this I've seen threads like this over and over. If it's going to die, it won't be now or anytime soon.
  20. No. I made a thread and explained myself, unlike you who endeavours to keep your deception going dude.