These are all ideas that I've been submitting to the developers for a while. (Most of these intended for the mobile version) 1. The ability to have a buy all option for pots. Just for the reason that most of us currently warring known how many of a certain pot we'll be able to buy at one time to bank our gold. But The process of getting to that desired number involves a bunch of useless clicking. (Yes I'm aware that you can do this on a PC. Mostly intended for mobile version) 2. More options for clan owners and admins. Such as message/wall all or select few clan mates. Same goes with kicking members option. Also making clan chat censorship an option that can be disabled as clan chat is not monitored like World chat. 3.(Mobile app specific) that when the chat screen is minimized you have the option to make it read only Clan Chat, instead of having it mixed in with World Chat. 4. How long until we can choose what lands we want to view when we open the app/PC on login?