Jackson respect for others comes secondary to having respect for yourself. The statement " in order to love others you need to love yourself first " seems to have gone topsy turvy on you. You should start on self reflection cause you need to become that Arkosa alpha male once again. You seem to have back tracked and became lost.
Ive dropped and rebuilt my kingdom half a dozen times and still leave kingdoms like boba-fart in the dust. Try hitting back boba-fart. It's still a war game for some of us, not just a forum game for lint lickers like you. Sorry. You're just a farm now.
My list of Arkosa men :- SkinnyMinny,CynderStryke,Savage, -V-,MaT,MrBarcode,Krakkerz,MrBiscuit,Colonelleblanc,Anonymous,Mobo,iProphet,DreadLSA,BlackHammer,Azrael
And " had little respect for me " lol thats funny you used kiss up to me on my wall and in p/m on all your accounts jackson. But i suppose we have keep up that forum fake appearence.
No. I just felt sorry for you in a way. You were getting bullied by like 85% of the people you talked to. And I do like you Alison (not that you care) but your insults suck and you hurted kesami's feelings for no reasons.
Feeled sorry for me? Get over yourself jackson feeling sorry for me. Yet you done not one thing about it. You never hit any off them or confronted them lol all you are is a big talker who talks big behind the scene yet do nothing. Sit down little man i did more than you've ever did i handled my bullies.And get this in your head div i have kaw friends who are real friends they hit those bullies. So you werent really a friend after all. All you just was is a kaw trash wannabe.
It? What it? You're the one pushing the buttons genius, you're an "adult" I'm sure you'll figure it out one day. Somewhere over the rainbow... Roni will understand how to word things properly without blaming techology! Nah I feel sorry for you and your friends having to talk big behind the scenes. :lol:
You think you're being clever and trying to to be condescending boba but you come off looking stupid. Because sometimes words you think you are writing jump into the wrong line. But keep up with your quoting things people write trying to find fault to appear intelligent.
No, Roni. Bobba tis da genius here. You're the illiterate imbecile who can't use gramma to save it's life. You're pathetic dude.
And yes. I "feeled sorry for you" because you got roasted by literally everyone in KaW and still continued to post bs. I thought you had issues :3 (Was I wrong?)
Also. You can't have an "Arkosa man" because Arkosa is a character godamnit. u iz too stoopid fur me to handel u win ok roni? Kthnxbai. u quit for like a whole 2 days wowwwww. good on u! you wealised u had no lief to go bak to didnt u lel? nevermind