Arkosa who?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Question: What about considering FC:paW's mascot while you guys are at it? Just because it's shut down doesn't mean we don't have the thumbnail/screenshots.
  2. ^What even was her name?
  3. I honestly didn't know KaW's mascot had a name. Maybe vaguely, but I remember more that we called her "Home-Screen Girl" for the longest time. Does it matter?
  4. Suppose not...

    Just can't get over that baby face though.

  5. I'm a loser? Is that all you can come up with? Lmao. Get a life dude. Or at least some good insults.
  6. Skinny is overly aggressive to compensate for how bad their own life is
  7. You have no idea nothing about SkinnyMinny because he aint like you who makes up fake stories and fake scenarios about your pretend life. Skinnyminny keeps his personal life private. He aint like you who feels he needs broadcast it all to the kaw world for attention. Skinnyminny has a heart of gold but you would never get the chance to find out because you only attract your mirror image. So the only males you will magnatize to you are wallys & wannabes like wattz.
  8. It's ppl like you that make ppl not wanna post in forums anymore, just bug off and let the community have fun. Lol

    Nice thread 
  9. WRONG, it's people like skinnyminny who keep forums ticking and alive. He gives people like yourself something to respond back to. Cause lets face it you are not exactly known ever for writing anything fresh from your head or any threads of your own. I mean all that time you was in Hit squad and warlor and apoc when did you ever say anything more than a hello to anyone. Now all of a sudden you think you can insult people when in the past few years you wouldnt " say boo to a ghost ". This new you ashly is a fake act. The kaw warrior female Arkosa represents all the real fighter women who stand strong from day 1. Not the ones like ashley who only begin to chirp up 3 years later. Arkosa kaw women are few and far between but these are my Arkosa women kaw list - Razzberrypie,Lili,Diablo,Lala,Jenni, Deni,Blazey,CherryOnTop,RedHotVixen, bootsy & Sugah of Pure Evil / Last Rights and Bellemorte,Crystallee.Of corse some stand out more than others.
  10. Statless alt with newbie spell caught me.  I'll go back to being quiet.. Because I've always been sooooooo shy and silent! 
    Ik who you are "Aggro".
  11. You don't Need to be quiet moron. Just try stick to the topic instead of derailing someone
    Else's thread and making it all about you.

    Here's a tip. It's not always about you.
  12. Help your friend out with her awkward obsession, "moron". My post was thread related
  13. Yea except for the 3 years of pretending to be a girl and constantly using that as a victim card when his mouth got him in trouble with major clans back then, nothing false or fake about that at all.

    Because once the community found out they were lying about their gender for a few years, people tend not to care or believe what they say.

    Wouldn't call today's forum the "kaw world" evidently it seems anyone posting anything these days is seeking attention.

    Heart of gold hahahahahahahahahaha!

    Attracting mirror images? um are you implying that Alison here is trying to attract their angry little cross dressing image? Good for him I suppose, not sure where attracting males came into this kinda out there in left field nonsense.
  14. 
  15. Yes its obvious who i am roni. I put my s.d card in the sim slot by accident and it got stuck so cant use the phone i have my main account on for now. Else i'd have wrote from it. But even on statless i find my voice unlike you ashley who only found yours 3 years down the line. And it doesnt matter if skinny was a male or female. He never flirts with any one wether being Alison or being SkinnyMinny.So no harm done. He dont lead people on and play with their feelings. So you aint got nothing no case on skinnyminny who has always been obnoxious from day 1.Whereas for you "it's only a new fake persona ".
  16. Support! Roni & Alison for obnoxious forumers! :lol:
  17. After those few posts. I've lost all of the little respect I had for Roni... Also, get rekt Skinny lul
  18. Boba-fart is not even worth responding to. That idiot kingdoms only purpose is to pin troops.

    Nothing more.
  19. Psssst hey dumb dumb, that in itself is a response to me, so is your butthurt rage in my newsfeed. Congratulations you pinned a hansels troops, that is by far the MOST difficult thing to do in this game.