Calling all old HoL members and friends still around

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BeCkY_420, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. B E C K Y ! ! ! !
    You were the biggest troublemaker and Pup was the dirtiest (those PM's he sent me were just so inappropriate).
  2. L I O N ! ! ! !
    I was not and doesn't surprise me about pup lol
  3. I am NOT a trouble maker... I'm just short tempered 
  4. Ohh like the Second HoL Life thingy?
  5. No.... not like SHL.
  6. Wait there's a difference pup lol
  7. None. You are all lovely wonderful people
  8. Mcwhitey whitey was the baddest of them all.
  9. Me i'm always the best
  10. I'd say Bax, Makki, and Jamie..... Becky, you weren't the dirtiest. You're an innocent angel....... Okay. I couldn't even type that out with a straight face. Sorry.
  11. Oh. Let me re-order those. Jamie, Bax, Makki. In that order. haha
  12. Just because you like hanging from bird feeders upside down and getting stuck is not my fault and I am to a innocent angel :p
  13. Mhm, well I think the entire clan was full of demented sewer mutants.
  14. Me.. For all three.
  15. Becks, you're the best kind of trouble. That Giant Ginger is pure entertainment! But who brought the most clan owners to me, and was nothing but Triobloid? By far....Its Bax